Integrating Google Maps Marker Clustering in WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

Google Maps Marker Clustering is a popular technique used to display a large number of markers on a map. It groups markers together based on their geographic location, so that they can be more easily viewed and managed.

Clustering is especially useful when dealing with large numbers of markers, or when markers are close together and would otherwise be difficult to distinguish.

There are a number of WordPress plugins that make use of marker clustering, but in this article, we’ll focus on how to add clustering to a WordPress plugin that already uses Google Maps.

We’ll be using the WP Google Maps plugin for this tutorial. WP Google Maps is a popular plugin that lets you easily add Google Maps to your WordPress site.

Adding marker clustering to WP Google Maps is a two-step process. First, we need to add the necessary code to the plugin. Second, we need to add the cluster icon to our map.

Adding the Code

The first thing we need to do is add the following code to our plugin:

add_filter( ‘wpgmaps_map_js_options’, ‘my_wpgmaps_map_js_options’, 10, 2 );

function my_wpgmaps_map_js_options( $options, $map_id ) {

if ( $map_id == 1 ) {

$options[‘marker_clusterer’] = true;


return $options;


This code tells WP Google Maps to enable marker clustering for our map. The map_id variable is used to specify which map we want to enable clustering for. In this case, we’re enabling clustering for map with an ID of 1.

If you have multiple maps on your site, you can add this code multiple times, changing the map_id each time.

Adding the Cluster Icon

The next thing we need to do is add a cluster icon to our map. A cluster icon is a special icon that is used to represent a group of markers. When a user zooms out, the cluster icon is used to represent all the markers that are in that area.

To add a cluster icon, we first need to create a new image. The image can be anything you want, but it should be fairly small. A good size for a cluster icon is 20×20 pixels.

Once you have your image, you need to upload it to your WordPress site. The easiest way to do this is to upload it to the /wp-content/uploads/ directory.

Once the image is uploaded, you need to specify its URL in the code we added earlier:

add_filter( ‘wpgmaps_map_js_options’, ‘my_wpgmaps_map_js_options’, 10, 2 );

function my_wpgmaps_map_js_options( $options, $map_id ) {

if ( $map_id == 1 ) {

$options[‘marker_clusterer’] = true;

$options[‘marker_clusterer_image_path’] = ‘/wp-content/uploads/my-cluster-icon.png’;


return $options;


In this case, we’re using the URL /wp-content/uploads/my-cluster-icon.png. You’ll need to change this to the URL of your own image.

Once you’ve added the code and the image, your map should now be clustered.

There are many benefits to using marker clustering in WordPress plugins. By using marker clustering, you can improve the performance of your plugin, as well as make it more user-friendly. In addition, marker clustering can also help you to better manage your plugin’s database.

One of the main benefits of marker clustering is that it can help to improve the performance of your plugin. This is because marker clustering can help to reduce the number of database queries that your plugin needs to make. In addition, marker clustering can also help to reduce the amount of data that your plugin needs to load.

Another benefit of marker clustering is that it can help to make your plugin more user-friendly. This is because marker clustering can help to group your plugin’s data into smaller groups. This can make it easier for your users to find the data that they are looking for. In addition, marker clustering can also help to make your plugin’s data more visually appealing.

Marker clustering can also help you to better manage your plugin’s database. This is because marker clustering can help to reduce the amount of data that your plugin needs to store. In addition, marker clustering can also help to reduce the amount of data that your plugin needs to process.

Overall, there are many benefits to using marker clustering in WordPress plugins. By using marker clustering, you can improve the performance of your plugin, as well as make it more user-friendly. In addition, marker clustering can also help you to better manage your plugin’s database.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to integrate Google Maps Marker Clustering in a WordPress Plugin. Google Maps Marker Clustering is a great way to improve the usability of your Google Maps by grouping markers together into clusters. This can be especially useful if you have a large number of markers on your map.

Clustering markers together makes it easier for your users to find the markers they’re looking for, and to see the general distribution of markers on your map. It also helps to reduce the clutter on your map, making it easier to read.

To use marker clustering in your WordPress plugin, you’ll need to first include the Google Maps JavaScript API in your plugin. You can do this by adding the following code to your plugin:

Once you’ve included the Google Maps JavaScript API in your plugin, you’ll need to create a new function to initialize your map. In this function, you’ll need to set some options for your map, including the center point, zoom level, and map type. You’ll also need to create a new Google Maps object, and store it in a variable.

Next, you’ll need to create a new function to add your markers to the map. In this function, you’ll need to loop through your markers array, and add each marker to the map.

Finally, you’ll need to call the initializeMap() and addMarkers() functions when your plugin is loaded. You can do this by adding the following code to your plugin:

That’s all you need to do to add Google Maps Marker Clustering to your WordPress plugin. You can find more information about the Google Maps JavaScript API in the Google Maps JavaScript API documentation.