Integrating GitHub Gist in WordPress Plugin

Posted on 18th June 2023

What is GitHub Gist?

GitHub Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are stored in a Git repository, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository.

Why use GitHub Gist in WordPress Plugin?

GitHub Gist is a great way to share code snippets with others. It is also a great way to manage code snippets for your WordPress plugins. With GitHub Gist, you can easily share your code snippets with other WordPress developers and keep track of your code snippets in one place.

How to Use GitHub Gist in WordPress Plugin

GitHub Gist is a great way to share code snippets with others. It is also a great way to manage code snippets for your WordPress plugins. With GitHub Gist, you can easily share your code snippets with other WordPress developers and keep track of your code snippets in one place.

  1. Go to and sign in with your GitHub account.
  2. Create a new Gist by clicking the “Create a new Gist” button.
  3. Enter a file name for your Gist. For example, “my-plugin.php”
  4. Enter a description for your Gist. For example, “My WordPress plugin”
  5. Paste your code into the “Gist Description” field.
  6. Click the “Create public gist” button.
  7. Copy the URL of your Gist.
  8. In your WordPress plugin, add the following code to the top of your main plugin file:


* Plugin Name: My Plugin
* Plugin URI:
* Description: My WordPress plugin
* Version: 1.0
* Author: John Doe
* Author URI:
* License: GPL2
* @package MyPlugin

Replace “My Plugin” and “My WordPress plugin” with your own plugin name and description.

Paste the URL of your Gist into the “Plugin URI” field. For example:

Plugin URI:

Save your changes and upload your plugin to your WordPress site.


GitHub Gist is a great way to share code snippets with others. It is also a great way to manage code snippets for your WordPress plugins. With GitHub Gist, you can easily share your code snippets with other WordPress developers and keep track of your code snippets in one place.

There are a few things you need to do in order to integrate GitHub Gist into your WordPress plugin. First, you need to create a GitHub account and create a new Gist. Then, you need to go to your WordPress plugin’s directory and create a file called gist-embed.php. In this file, you will need to paste the code from your Gist.

Next, you need to enqueue the script in your plugin. You can do this by adding the following code to your plugin:

Be sure to replace “username” and “gist-id” with your own username and Gist ID.

Finally, you can embed your Gist in a post or page by adding the following code:


Be sure to replace “username” and “gist-id” with your own username and Gist ID.

That’s all there is to it! You should now have a working Gist embedded in your WordPress plugin.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to integrate GitHub Gist in your WordPress plugin.

GitHub Gist is a simple way to share snippets of code with others. It’s especially useful for sharing code with others who may not be familiar with git or GitHub.

GitHub Gist is also a great way to share code with others who may not be able to use your plugin. For example, if you’re using a private plugin or one that’s not yet released, you can still share the code with others by using GitHub Gist.

To use GitHub Gist in your WordPress plugin, you first need to create a GitHub account and then create a Gist.

Once you have a Gist, you can then embed it in your plugin by using the oEmbed feature in WordPress.

To do this, simply add the following code to your plugin:

function my_plugin_embed_gist( $content ) {
if ( ! is_singular() || ! is_main_query() ) {
return $content;
$content .= ”;
return $content;
add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘my_plugin_embed_gist’ );

Replace YOUR-USERNAME with your GitHub username and YOUR-GIST-ID with the ID of the Gist you want to embed.

You can find the ID of your Gist by going to the URL of the Gist. The ID is the string of characters after the last slash in the URL.

For example, the ID of this Gist is 9d4f1a4db46e87c42f3a.

Once you’ve added the code to your plugin, you can then test it by embedding a Gist in a post or page.

To do this, simply create a new post or page and then add the following shortcode:


Replace YOUR-USERNAME with your GitHub username and YOUR-GIST-ID with the ID of the Gist you want to embed.

You should now see your Gist embedded in the post or page.

If you want to customize the way your Gist is displayed, you can use the following parameters in the shortcode:


The file parameter allows you to specify which file in the Gist you want to embed. This is useful if the Gist contains multiple files.

The lines parameter allows you to specify which lines of code you want to embed. This is useful if you only want to embed a portion of the code in the Gist.

The highlight parameter allows you to specify which lines of code you want to highlight. This is useful if you want to draw attention to a particular portion of the code.

The line numbers parameter allows you to specify whether you want line numbers to be displayed. This is useful if you want to make it easier for someone to refer to a particular line of code.

The hidefooter parameter allows you to hide the footer that is displayed at the bottom of the Gist. This is useful if you want to save space on the page.

The hideborder parameter allows you to hide the border that is displayed around the Gist. This is useful if you want to make the Gist blend in with the rest of the content on the page.

The embed_styles parameter allows you to disable the default styles that are applied to the Gist. This is useful if you want to apply your own styles to the Gist.

The loading parameter allows you to specify how the Gist should be loaded. The options are “onload” and “async”. The async option is generally preferable, as it allows the page to load faster.

The embed_options parameter allows you to specify additional options for the Gist. The available options are “show_loading”, “show_file_meta”, “show_line_meta”, “show_language”, “show_line_numbers”, “show_border”, and “show_footer”.

The show_loading option allows you to display a loading indicator while the Gist is loading. The show_file_meta option allows you to display the file name and language of the Gist. The show_line_meta option allows you to display the line numbers for each line of code. The show_language option allows you to display the programming language of the Gist. The show_line_numbers option allows you to display line numbers for each line of code. The show_border option allows you to display a border around the Gist. The show_footer option allows you to display a footer at the bottom of the Gist.

The embed_theme parameter allows you to specify a theme for the Gist. The available themes are “default”, “github”, “google”, “mozilla”, “twitter”, and “wordpress”.

The embed_highlight_theme parameter allows you to specify a highlight theme for the Gist. The available themes are “default”, “github”, “google”, “mozilla”, “twitter”, and “wordpress”.

The embed_width parameter allows you to specify the width of the Gist in pixels. The default value is 600.

The embed_height parameter allows you to specify the height of the Gist in pixels. The default value is 400.

The embed_class parameter allows you to specify a CSS class for the Gist. This is useful if you want to apply your own styles to the Gist.

The embed_id parameter allows you to specify an ID for the Gist. This is useful if you want to be able to target the Gist with CSS or JavaScript.

The following code shows how to use the file, lines, highlight, line numbers, hidefooter, hideborder, and embed_styles parameters:


The following code shows how to use the loading, embed_options, embed_theme, embed_highlight_theme, embed_width, embed_height, embed_class, and embed_id parameters:


That’s all there is to embedding GitHub Gist in your WordPress plugin. GitHub Gist is a great way to share code snippets with others, and the oEmbed feature in WordPress makes it easy to embed Gists in your plugin.