Implementing Natural Language Understanding with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 18th June 2023


In this article, we’re going to show you how to integrate ChatGPT PHP with your custom WordPress plugin. This will allow you to utilize the power of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) in your plugin, giving you the ability to process and understand user input in a more natural way.

We’ll be using the ChatGPT NLU service for this tutorial. ChatGPT provides an easy-to-use API that allows you to send user input to their servers, where it will be processed and analyzed. The results of the analysis will be returned to you, allowing you to take appropriate action in your plugin.

Setting Up ChatGPT

Before we can start using ChatGPT in our plugin, we need to set up a account and obtain an API key. You can sign up for a free account at Once you have an account, you can find your API key in the “Settings” tab.

With our API key in hand, we can now start using the ChatGPT API in our plugin. We’ll be using the chatgpt-php library, which provides an easy-to-use PHP interface for the ChatGPT API.

Using ChatGPT in our Plugin

Now that we have our API key and the chatgpt-php library set up, we can start using ChatGPT in our plugin. The first thing we need to do is instantiate the ChatGPT client:

$client = new ChatGPTClient($apiKey);

With the client instantiated, we can now start using the various API methods. For our purposes, we’ll be using the analyzeText method, which takes a piece of text and returns the results of the NLU analysis.

Let’s say we have a piece of text that a user has entered into our plugin. We can analyze this text using the analyzeText method:

$text = "I'm looking for a plugin that can help me with my website.";

$analysis = $client->analyzeText($text);

The $analysis variable will now contain the results of the NLU analysis. This will be a PHP object with various properties, containing information about the text that was analyzed. For example, the $analysis object might contain the following information:

  • intent: The overall intent of the text. In this example, the intent would be “search”.
  • entities: Any entities that were extracted from the text. In this example, the entities would be “plugin” and “website”.
  • sentiment: The sentiment of the text. In this example, the sentiment would be “positive”.

You can find a full list of the properties that are returned in the ChatGPT documentation.

With the results of the NLU analysis in hand, we can now take appropriate action in our plugin. For example, if the intent is “search” and the entities are “plugin” and “website”, we might display a list of plugins that are related to websites. Or, if the sentiment is “positive”, we might display a positive message to the user.


In this article, we’ve seen how to use the ChatGPT API to add Natural Language Understanding to our custom WordPress plugin. This gives us the ability to process and understand user input in a more natural way, allowing us to take appropriate action in our plugin.

Implementing Natural Language Understanding with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin


In this article, we’ll show you how to add natural language understanding (NLU) to your custom WordPress plugin using ChatGPT PHP. ChatGPT is an open-source library that makes it easy to build chatbots and other natural language processing (NLP) applications.

We’ll assume that you’re already familiar with the basics of WordPress plugin development. If you’re not, we recommend checking out the WordPress Codex or the WordPress Developer Resources site.

Getting Started

First, you’ll need to download and install the ChatGPT PHP library. You can find the latest release on GitHub.

Once you have the library installed, you’ll need to create a file called nlu.php in your plugin’s root directory. This file will contain the NLU logic for your plugin.

Next, you’ll need to include the ChatGPT library in your plugin. You can do this by adding the following line to your plugin’s main PHP file:

require_once ‘path/to/chatgpt.php’;

Now that the library is included, you can start using it to add NLU functionality to your plugin.

Creating a Simple NLU Processor

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a new instance of the ChatGPTNLU class. This class is the main entry point for all NLU functionality in the library.

$nlu = new ChatGPTNLU();

Once you have an instance of the NLU class, you can begin adding NLU processors. A processor is a class that contains logic for understanding a specific type of input.

For our example, we’ll create a simple processor that understands yes/no questions. We’ll call this processor the YesNoProcessor .

Creating the YesNoProcessor

First, we’ll create a new file called YesNoProcessor.php in our plugin’s root directory. This file will contain the code for our processor.

Next, we’ll create the class definition for our processor. The class definition should look like this:

class YesNoProcessor extends ChatGPTNLUProcessor {


As you can see, our processor class extends the ChatGPTNLUProcessor class. This class provides the basic structure for all processors in the library.

Now, we need to add the logic for our processor. The processor class has two methods that we need to implement: canProcess() and process() .

The canProcess() method is used to determine if the processor can handle a given input. This method should return true if the processor can handle the input, and false otherwise.

For our example, we’ll implement the canProcess() method like this:

public function canProcess($input) {

// our processor can handle input that is a yes/no question

return preg_match(‘/^(?:yes|no)\?$/i’, $input) === 1;


As you can see, we’re using a regular expression to match yes/no questions. If the input is a yes/no question, we return true . Otherwise, we return false .

The process() method is used to actually process the input. This method should return an NLUResult object that contains the results of the processing.

For our example, we’ll implement the process() method like this:

public function process($input) {

// our processor returns the same result regardless of the input

$result = new ChatGPTNLUNLUResult();



return $result;


As you can see, we’re simply creating a new NLUResult object and setting the intent and score properties. The intent property is used to indicate the “type” of input that was processed. In our case, the intent is yesno . The score property is used to indicate how confident the processor is in the results. A score of 1.0 indicates that the processor is very confident in the results.

Registering the YesNoProcessor

Now that we’ve created our processor, we need to register it with the NLU class. We can do this by calling the registerProcessor() method on our NLU instance.

$nlu->registerProcessor(new YesNoProcessor());

We can now use our processor to understand yes/no questions.

Understanding Yes/No Questions

Now that we have our processor registered, we can use it to understand yes/no questions. We do this by calling the understand() method on our NLU instance.

$result = $nlu->understand(‘Is this a yes/no question?’);

The understand() method takes a string of input and returns an NLUResult object. This object contains the results of the NLU processing.

In our example, the NLUResult object would look like this:


“intent”: “yesno”,

“score”: 1.0


As you can see, the intent property is set to yesno and the score property is set to 1.0 . This indicates that our processor was able to successfully understand the input as a yes/no question.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add natural language understanding to your custom WordPress plugin using ChatGPT PHP. We’ve also created a simple processor that can understand yes/no questions.

If you’re interested in learning more about ChatGPT PHP, we recommend checking out the project’s documentation.