Implementing AI-based Text Summarization with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 21st June 2023

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology evolves, so does the potential for how it can be used to improve content marketing. One area that has seen recent advancements is text summarization.

Text summarization is the process of reducing a text document to its most important points. This can be done manually, but it’s a time-consuming task. AI-based text summarization can do it automatically and quickly.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use ChatGPT PHP to create an AI-based text summarization tool. Then we’ll show you how to integrate it into a WordPress plugin.

What is ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP is an open-source library for natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a field of AI that deals with analyzing, understanding, and generating human language.

ChatGPT PHP is a wrapper around the Google Cloud Natural Language API. The Cloud Natural Language API is a Google Cloud Platform service that provides natural language understanding tools.

One of the things the Cloud Natural Language API can do is generate summaries of text documents.

How to Use ChatGPT PHP for Text Summarization

Here’s how to use ChatGPT PHP to generate summaries of text documents:

1. Install the ChatGPT PHP library.

2. Authenticate with your Google Cloud Platform account.

3. Load the text document you want to summarize into a string variable.

4. Call the ChatGPT PHP summarize() function, passing in the text document string.

5. The summarize() function will return an array of sentence strings. Each string in the array is a summary sentence from the text document.

How to Integrate ChatGPT PHP Into a WordPress Plugin

Here’s how to integrate ChatGPT PHP into a WordPress plugin:

1. Install the ChatGPT PHP library.

2. Create a new WordPress plugin.

3. In your plugin, create a function that calls the ChatGPT PHP summarize() function.

4. Pass the text document string to the summarize() function.

5. The summarize() function will return an array of sentence strings. Each string in the array is a summary sentence from the text document.

6. Display the summary sentences in your WordPress plugin.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use ChatGPT PHP to create an AI-based text summarization tool. Then we showed you how to integrate it into a WordPress plugin.

Text summarization is a useful tool for content marketing. It can help you quickly generate summaries of text documents. This can save you time and help you create more content.

As I stated above, I will be using the ChatGPT PHP library to build my AI-based text summarization plugin. The first thing I need to do is install the library. I can do this via Composer:

composer require chatgpt/chatgpt

Now that the library is installed, I can start building my plugin. The first thing I need to do is create a class that extends the ChatGPT class. I will call this class WPChatGPT.

Next, I need to define some class constants. The first constant is the URL to the ChatGPT API. The second constant is the API key that I generated earlier.

Now that I have my class set up, I can start writing the methods that will power my plugin. The first method I need to write is the one that will make the API call to ChatGPT. I will call this method getSummary. This method will take two arguments: the text to be summarized and the number of sentences to be returned.

‘text’ => $text

$response = $this->post(‘summarize’, $data);

return $response->summary;



The next method I need to write is the one that will display the summary on the front end of my WordPress site. I will call this method displaySummary. This method will take two arguments: the post ID and the number of sentences to be returned.

‘text’ => $text

$response = $this->post(‘summarize’, $data);

return $response->summary;


public function displaySummary($postID, $numSentences)

$post = get_post($postID);
$text = $post->post_content;

$summary = $this->getSummary($text, $numSentences);

echo ‘

‘ . __(‘Summary’, ‘wpchatgpt’) . ‘

echo ‘

‘ . $summary . ‘




The final method I need to write is the one that will hook my plugin into the WordPress ecosystem. I will call this method init. This method will take no arguments.

‘text’ => $text

$response = $this->post(‘summarize’, $data);

return $response->summary;


public function displaySummary($postID, $numSentences)

$post = get_post($postID);
$text = $post->post_content;

$summary = $this->getSummary($text, $numSentences);

echo ‘

‘ . __(‘Summary’, ‘wpchatgpt’) . ‘

echo ‘

‘ . $summary . ‘



public function init()

add_action(‘the_content’, [$this, ‘displaySummary’]);



Now that my plugin is complete, I can activate it and start using it on my WordPress site.

In this final part of the series, we’ll see how to use ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin to automatically generate summaries of blog posts.

We’ll be using the Simple Summarizer plugin, which is available for free from the WordPress plugin repository.

Once installed and activated, the plugin will add a new “Summarize” button to the WordPress editor.

When you click this button, a popup window will appear. Enter the URL of the post you want to summarize, and the plugin will automatically generate a summary.

You can also choose how many sentences you want to include in the summary, and whether you want to include the featured image.

Once you’re happy with the summary, click the “Insert” button to add it to your post.

That’s all there is to it! Using ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin is a quick and easy way to automatically generate summaries of your blog posts.