How to Use wpdb for Custom Database Queries in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

How to Use wpdb for Custom Database Queries in a WordPress Plugin


One of the most powerful features of WordPress is its extensibility – the ability to add custom functionality with plugins. If you’re a developer looking to create a custom plugin, you’ll need to know how to interact with WordPress’ database.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to wpdb – the WordPress database abstraction class. We’ll show you how to use wpdb to perform custom database queries in a WordPress plugin.

What is wpdb?

Wpdb is WordPress’ database abstraction class. It is used to interact with WordPress’ database – to read, write, and update data.

Wpdb is an object-oriented class, which means it can be instantiated as an object. Once instantiated, you can use wpdb’s various methods to perform database queries.

Why use wpdb?

There are two primary reasons to use wpdb in your custom plugin:

Wpdb abstracts the underlying database, which means your plugin will be compatible with multiple database types. Wpdb provides a set of built-in security functions, which helps to prevent SQL injection attacks.

How to Use wpdb

Now that we’ve answered the question “what is wpdb?”, let’s take a look at how to use it.

We’ll start by instantiating the wpdb class:

$wpdb = new wpdb( ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘database’, ‘localhost’ );

Once the wpdb class is instantiated, we can use its various methods to perform database queries.

For example, the following code would select all posts from the database:

$posts = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts}” );

The following code would insert a new post into the database:

$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array( ‘post_title’ => ‘My New Post’, ‘post_content’ => ‘This is the content of my new post.’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’ ) );


In this article, we’ve introduced you to wpdb – WordPress’ database abstraction class. We’ve shown you how to use wpdb to perform custom database queries in a WordPress plugin.

If you’re a developer looking to create a custom plugin, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with wpdb. It’s a powerful tool that will help you interact with WordPress’ database in a safe and secure way.

The WordPress wpdb class is used for interacting with a database. Its methods can be used for retrieving data, inserting data, updating data, and deleting data.

In this article, we will show you how to use the wpdb class to run custom database queries in a WordPress plugin.

First, you need to include the wp-load.php file which will load the WordPress environment and make the wpdb class available for use.

Next, you need to create an instance of the wpdb class.

You can now start running your custom database queries using the wpdb class methods.

The most commonly used method is the get_results() method. This method can be used to retrieve data from a database table.

The get_results() method accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the SQL query and the second parameter is the data type. The data type can be an array, an object, or a string.

The get_var() method can be used to retrieve a single value from a database table.

The get_row() method can be used to retrieve a single row from a database table.

The get_col() method can be used to retrieve a single column from a database table.

The insert() method can be used to insert data into a database table.

The update() method can be used to update data in a database table.

The delete() method can be used to delete data from a database table.

The wpdb class can be used to run custom database queries in a WordPress plugin. In this article, we showed you how to use the wpdb class to run custom database queries.

If you’re a plugin developer, you’ve probably had to deal with custom database queries at some point. WordPress has a great database abstraction layer called wpdb that makes it easy to run custom queries without having to worry about the underlying details of the database.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use wpdb for custom database queries in a WordPress plugin. We’ll start by looking at the basics of how to use wpdb, and then we’ll move on to some more advanced topics.

Basic Usage

The first thing you need to do when using wpdb is to include the wp-db.php file. This file is located in the /wp-includes/ directory of your WordPress installation.

Once you’ve included the file, you can create a new instance of the wpdb class like this:

$wpdb = new wpdb( ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘database’, ‘localhost’ );

Replace username, password, database, and localhost with the appropriate values for your setup.

Once you have an instance of the wpdb class, you can run any database query you want using the query() method. For example, the following code will select all posts from the database:

$posts = $wpdb->query( “SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts” );

The $wpdb->posts variable is a WordPress global that contains the name of the posts table in the database.

You can also use the get_results() method to run a query and get the results back as an array. For example, the following code will get all posts from the database and print them out:

$posts = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts” ); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { echo $post->post_title . ‘
‘; }

The get_results() method returns an array of objects, with each object representing a row from the database. In the example above, we’re looping through the array of objects and printing out the post_title field for each object.

Advanced Usage

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how to use wpdb, let’s take a look at some more advanced topics.

First, we’ll look at how to use placeholders in your queries. Placeholders are a great way to avoid SQL injection attacks, and they’re also a convenient way to bind data to your queries.

To use a placeholder in a query, you need to use the %s placeholder for strings and the %d placeholder for integers. For example, the following code will get all posts with a particular ID:

$id = 1; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = %d”, $id ) ); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { echo $post->post_title . ‘
‘; }

In the code above, we’re using the prepare() method to create a query with a placeholder. We’re then binding the value of the $id variable to the placeholder.

When using placeholders, it’s important to use the appropriate placeholder for the data type you’re binding. If you use the %s placeholder for an integer value, for example, the database will try to convert the integer to a string, which could cause unexpected results.

Next, we’ll look at how to use the insert() and update() methods. These methods make it easy to insert or update data in the database without having to write your own SQL queries.

To use the insert() method, you need to pass in an array of data to be inserted. The array keys will be used as the column names, and the array values will be used as the column values. For example, the following code will insert a new post into the database:

$data = array( ‘post_title’ => ‘My New Post’, ‘post_content’ => ‘This is the content of my new post.’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’ ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, $data );

In the code above, we’re creating an array of data to be inserted. We’re then using the insert() method to insert the data into the database. The first argument is the name of the database table, and the second argument is the array of data.

To use the update() method, you need to pass in an array of data to be updated. The array keys will be used as the column names, and the array values will be used as the new column values. For example, the following code will update the post with an ID of 1:

$data = array( ‘post_title’ => ‘My Updated Post’, ‘post_content’ => ‘This is the updated content of my post.’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’ ); $where = array( ‘ID’ => 1 ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, $data, $where );

In the code above, we’re creating an array of data to be updated. We’re then using the update() method to update the data in the database. The first argument is the name of the database table, the second argument is the array of data, and the third argument is the array of where conditions.

Finally, we’ll look at how to use the delete() method. This method makes it easy to delete data from the database without having to write your own SQL queries.

To use the delete() method, you need to pass in an array of where conditions. For example, the following code will delete the post with an ID of 1:

$where = array( ‘ID’ => 1 ); $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->posts, $where );

In the code above, we’re using the delete() method to delete the post from the database. The first argument is the name of the database table, and the second argument is the array of where conditions.


In this article, we’ve looked at how to use wpdb for custom database queries in a WordPress plugin. We’ve covered the basics of how to use wpdb, and we’ve also looked at some more advanced topics.