How to Use Stacks to Organize Your Desktop in Mac OS Mojave

Posted on 19th June 2023

If you’re like most people, your desktop is a cluttered mess. Files and folders are scattered everywhere, and it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. But there’s a new feature in Mac OS Mojave that can help you get your desktop under control: Stacks.

Stacks are a way to group files together based on their type. For example, you can have a stack of all your PDFs, or a stack of all your images. To create a stack, simply drag a file onto your desktop and then hold down the Option key. While holding down the Option key, drag the file onto another file of the same type. For example, if you have a PDF and an image file on your desktop, you can hold down the Option key and drag the PDF onto the image. This will create a stack of all the PDFs on your desktop. You can then expand the stack to see all the files, or collapse it to keep your desktop tidy.

You can also customize how your stacks are sorted. To do this, right-click on a stack and select “Sort Stack by.” You can sort by name, date, or kind. This is helpful if you want to keep your most recent files at the top of the stack.

Stacks are a great way to keep your desktop organized and tidy. Give them a try and see how they can help you be more productive.

Stacks is a new feature in MacOS Mojave that allows you to organize your desktop by automatically stacking your files into neat little groups. This can be a great way to clean up your desktop and keep it organized, but it can also be a bit confusing to set up. In this article, we’ll show you how to use stacks to organize your desktop on a Mac.

To get started, click on the desktop and then click on the View menu at the top of the screen. Select “Use Stacks” from the menu.

You’ll see that your desktop will now be divided into groups based on file type. All of your images will be grouped together, all of your PDF files will be grouped together, and so on.

If you want to change how your stacks are organized, you can click on the Sort menu at the top of the screen and select “Date Modified”, “Date Created”, or “Date Added”. This will change the order of the files in your stack.

You can also click on the Group menu at the top of the screen and select “By Type”, “By Tag”, or “By Size”. This will change how your stacks are grouped.

If you want to change the stack view, you can click on the View menu at the top of the screen and select “As Icons”, “As List”, or “As Columns”.

If you want to change the icon size, you can click on the View menu at the top of the screen and select “Small”, “Medium”, or “Large”.

If you want to see the path of the file, you can click on the View menu at the top of the screen and select “Show Path Bar”.

If you want to change how your stacks are sorted, you can click on the Sort menu at the top of the screen and select “Date Modified”, “Date Created”, or “Date Added”.

If you want to change how your stacks are grouped, you can click on the Group menu at the top of the screen and select “By Type”, “By Tag”, or “By Size”.

If you want to add a stack to the Dock, you can drag it from the desktop to the Dock.

If you want to remove a stack from the Dock, you can drag it from the Dock to the Trash.

If you want to delete a stack, you can select it and press the delete key.

If you want to rename a stack, you can double-click on the stack and type a new name.

If you want to empty the Trash, you can click on the Finder menu at the top of the screen and select “Empty Trash”.

If you want to restart your computer, you can click on the Apple menu at the top of the screen and select “Restart”.

If you want to shut down your computer, you can click on the Apple menu at the top of the screen and select “Shut Down”.

Stacks can declutter your desktop quickly and easily. But if you want more control over how your files are organized, you can use tags.

Tagging is a great way to organize your files because you can add multiple tags to each file. This means you can put all your work-related files in one place, regardless of whether they’re PDFs, images, or text documents.

To add a tag to a file, right-click on it and select “Tags” from the contextual menu. Then, click on the “Add Tag” button and type in the name of the tag. You can also choose an existing tag from the drop-down menu.

Once you’ve tagged your files, you can use the “Tagged” section of the Finder sidebar to view all the files with a certain tag. To do this, click on the “View” menu and select “Show Sidebar”. Then, click on the “Tagged” section.

If you want to remove a tag from a file, right-click on the file and select “Tags” from the contextual menu. Then, click on the tag you want to remove and press the “Delete” key.

If you find your Mac’s desktop getting cluttered, you can use Stacks to organize it. Stacks is a new feature in macOS Mojave that allows you to group files into stacks based on criteria such as kind, date, or tags.

To use Stacks, first open Finder and click on the Desktop in the sidebar. Then, click on the View menu and select Use Stacks.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Option+Command+S to toggle Stacks on and off.

Once Stacks is enabled, files on your desktop will be grouped into stacks based on their file type. For example, all of your images will be grouped together, and all of your PDF files will be grouped together.

You can click on a stack to expand it and view the files inside. To open a file, just double-click on it.

If you want to change how a stack is sorted, right-click on the stack and select Sort Stack. You can sort by kind, date, or tags.

You can also add your own custom stacks. To do this, right-click on the desktop and select New Stack. Then, choose whether you want to stack files by kind, date, or tags.

Give your stack a name and click on the Sort Order drop-down menu to choose how you want the stack to be sorted. Finally, click on the Create button.

Stacks is a great way to keep your desktop organized and tidy. Give it a try today!