How to Set Up Hive Active Lights for Voice-Controlled Lighting

Posted on 19th June 2023

Hive Active Lights are a great way to add voice-controlled lighting to your home. Here’s how to set them up.

1. Choose your smart home assistant

The first step is to choose the smart home assistant you want to use with your Hive Active Lights. Currently, Hive works with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri. If you’re not sure which one to choose, take a look at our smart home assistant comparison guide.

2. Set up your smart home assistant

Once you’ve chosen your smart home assistant, you’ll need to set it up. This process will vary depending on which assistant you’re using. For more information, see our smart home assistant setup guides.

3. Connect your Hive Active Lights

Now it’s time to connect your Hive Active Lights. This process will also vary depending on which assistant you’re using. For more information, see our smart home lighting setup guides.

4. Test your voice commands

Once you’ve connected your Hive Active Lights, you can start testing out your voice commands. Here are some example commands to get you started:

  • Turn on the lights
  • Turn off the lights
  • Set the lights to 50%
  • Set the lights to blue
  • Dim the lights
  • Brighten the lights

For more information on voice commands, see our smart home lighting voice commands.

Assuming you have already followed the instructions in the article and have installed the Hive app and the Hive Hub, you are now ready to set up your Hive Active Lights.

In the Hive app, tap the menu icon in the top left corner and select ‘ Devices’.

Tap the + icon in the bottom right corner and select ‘Lights & Power’.

Select your light type from the list and follow the instructions to add your light.

Once your light has been added, you can give it a name and choose where it is located in your home.

To control your light with your voice, you will need to enable the Hive skill in the Alexa app.

Open the Alexa app and tap the menu icon in the top left corner.

Select ‘ Skills & Games’ and search for ‘ Hive’.

Tap the ‘ Enable Skill’ button and follow the instructions to link your Hive account.

Once the Hive skill has been enabled, you can say things like ‘Alexa, turn on the light in the kitchen’ or ‘Alexa, set the light in the living room to 50%’.

You can also add your Hive Active Lights to routines so that they turn on and off at certain times or when certain events happen.

To do this, open the Hive app and tap the menu icon in the top left corner.

Select ‘ Automations’ and tap the ‘ +’ icon in the bottom right corner.

Choose ‘ Create new routine’ and give your routine a name.

Tap ‘ When this happens’ and select ‘ Schedule’ or ‘ Event’.

If you select ‘ Schedule’, you can choose a time and day for your routine to start.

If you select ‘ Event’, you can choose an event such as ‘ I arrive home’ or ‘ Sunrise’.

Tap ‘ Do this’ and select ‘ Lights & Power’.

Select the light you want to add to the routine and tap ‘ Done’.

Tap ‘ Save’ in the top right corner and your routine will be created.

You can now use your voice to control your Hive Active Lights and create routines to automate your lighting. You can use tags for images but do not include width and height attributes in the tag.

To set up Hive Active Lights for voice-controlled lighting, start by downloading the Hive app and creating an account. Then, create a “Hive Action” in the app. This will be the voice command that you use to control your lights. For example, you could say “Hey Google, turn on the living room light” or “Alexa, turn off the bedroom light.”

Next, add the Hive Active Lights to your account. You can do this by scanning the QR code on the back of the light, or by manually entering the serial number. Once the lights are added, you can name them and assign them to a room.

Now, it’s time to connect your Hive Active Lights to your voice assistant. Open the Hive app and go to the “Devices” tab. Then, select the light that you want to connect and tap the “Connect” button. Choose your voice assistant from the list and follow the instructions to complete the connection.

Once your Hive Active Lights are connected, you can start controlling them with your voice. To do this, simply say the “Hive Action” that you created earlier, followed by the name of the light. For example, you could say “Hey Google, turn on the living room light” or “Alexa, turn off the bedroom light.”

That’s it! You’re now ready to start controlling your lights with your voice.

How to Set Up Hive Active Lights for Voice-Controlled Lighting

What You’ll Need

  • Hive Hub
  • Hive Active Light Bulbs

1. Set Up Your Hive Hub

First, you’ll need to set up your Hive Hub. If you don’t already have a Hive Hub, you can purchase one from the Hive website. Once you have your Hive Hub, follow the instructions in the Hive Hub Quick Start Guide to set it up.

2. Connect Your Hive Active Light Bulbs

Next, you’ll need to connect your Hive Active Light Bulbs to your Hive Hub. To do this, screw the Hive Active Light Bulbs into your light fixtures. Then, open the Hive app and tap the “+” icon in the top right corner. Select “Hive Active Light” from the list of devices, and then follow the instructions in the app to connect your Hive Active Light Bulbs to your Hive Hub.

3. Set Up Voice Control

Once your Hive Active Light Bulbs are connected to your Hive Hub, you can set up voice control so you can turn your lights on and off with your voice. To do this, you’ll need to connect your Hive Hub to your Amazon Echo or Google Home. Once your Hive Hub is connected, you can say “Alexa, turn on the light” or “Ok Google, turn off the light” to control your Hive Active Light Bulbs.