How to Perform Search Operations in a WordPress Plugin using wpdb

Posted on 18th June 2023

If you’re developing a WordPress plugin, you’ll likely need to perform search operations against the WordPress database. The most common way to interact with the WordPress database is through the $wpdb global object. In this article, we’ll show you how to perform search operations using $wpdb. We’ll assume you’re familiar with the basics of $wpdb and how to interact with the WordPress database.

The Basics of Searching with wpdb

The most basic search operation you can perform with $wpdb is a SELECT query. For example, let’s say you want to retrieve a list of all the posts in the WordPress database. You would use the following query:

$posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts" );

This would return an array of stdClass objects, one for each post in the database. Each object would have a property for each column in the $wpdb->posts table. You could then loop through the array and display the posts on your WordPress site.

Of course, this is just a very basic example. In most cases, you’ll want to specify a WHERE clause to narrow down the results of your query. For example, let’s say you only want to retrieve posts that have the word “WordPress” in the title. You would use the following query:

$posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title LIKE '%WordPress%'" );

This would return an array of stdClass objects, one for each post in the database that has the word “WordPress” in the title. You could then loop through the array and display the posts on your WordPress site.

Advanced Search Operations with wpdb

In addition to the basic SELECT query, $wpdb also supports more advanced search operations such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. For example, let’s say you want to update the title of a post. You would use the following query:

$wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_title' => 'New Title' ), array( 'ID' => 1 ) );

This would update the title of the post with an ID of 1 to “New Title”.

Or let’s say you want to delete a post. You would use the following query:

$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->posts, array( 'ID' => 1 ) );

This would delete the post with an ID of 1 from the WordPress database.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to perform search operations in a WordPress plugin using $wpdb. We’ve also shown you how to perform more advanced operations such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

How to Perform Search Operations in a WordPress Plugin using wpdb

In this article, we will learn how to perform search operations in a WordPress plugin using wpdb. WordPress provides a powerful search engine which can be used to search for posts, pages, and even custom post types. However, sometimes we need to perform a search on data that is not stored in the WordPress database. For example, we may need to search for data in an external database or in a file. In such cases, we can use the wpdb class to perform search operations.

The wpdb class provides a set of functions for interacting with a WordPress database. We can use the wpdb class to perform various database operations such as inserting, updating, and deleting data. We can also use the wpdb class to run custom SQL queries. In this article, we will learn how to use the wpdb class to perform a search operation.

The first thing we need to do is to connect to the WordPress database. We can do this by calling the wpdb::connect() method. This method accepts four parameters – the database host, the database username, the database password, and the database name. We need to pass the correct values for these parameters in order to connect to the database.

Once we are connected to the database, we can run our SQL query. The wpdb::query() method can be used to run an SQL query. This method accepts two parameters – the SQL query and an optional array of values. The SQL query can be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query. The optional array of values can be used to bind values to placeholders in the SQL query.

After running the SQL query, we can use the wpdb::get_results() method to fetch the results. This method accepts two parameters – the SQL query and an optional array of values. The SQL query can be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query. The optional array of values can be used to bind values to placeholders in the SQL query.

We can also use the wpdb::get_row() method to fetch a single row from the database. This method accepts two parameters – the SQL query and an optional array of values. The SQL query can be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query. The optional array of values can be used to bind values to placeholders in the SQL query.

We can use the wpdb::get_var() method to fetch a single column from the database. This method accepts two parameters – the SQL query and an optional array of values. The SQL query can be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query. The optional array of values can be used to bind values to placeholders in the SQL query.

We can also use the wpdb::prepare() method to prepare an SQL query. This method accepts two parameters – the SQL query and an optional array of values. The SQL query can be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query. The optional array of values can be used to bind values to placeholders in the SQL query.

After running the SQL query, we can use the wpdb::insert_id() method to fetch the ID of the last inserted row. This method accepts no parameters.

We can use the wpdb::rows_affected() method to fetch the number of rows affected by the last SQL query. This method accepts no parameters.

We can use the wpdb::close() method to close the connection to the WordPress database. This method accepts no parameters.

In this article, we have learned how to use the wpdb class to perform search operations in a WordPress plugin.