How to Perform Data Aggregation with wpdb in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 18th June 2023


One of the most powerful aspects of WordPress is its extensibility. Developers can easily create custom plugins to suit their specific needs. In many cases, these plugins will need to aggregate data from various sources in order to display it in a useful way.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to use the wpdb class to aggregate data from multiple tables in a WordPress database. We’ll also look at some best practices for plugin development and data management.

What is wpdb?

wpdb is a PHP class that provides a set of functions for interacting with a WordPress database. It can be used to execute SQL queries, insert and update data, and more.

One of the most useful aspects of wpdb is its ability to easily retrieve data from multiple tables. This is accomplished through the use of the $wpdb->get_results() function.

The $wpdb->get_results() Function

The $wpdb->get_results() function can be used to execute a SQL query and retrieve the results as an array of objects. Each object represents a row from the database table (or tables) specified in the query.

The syntax of the $wpdb->get_results() function is as follows:

$wpdb->get_results( $query, $output_type );

The $query parameter is a string containing the SQL query to be executed. The $output_type parameter is an optional integer value that specifies the format of the returned data.

The $output_type parameter can be one of the following values:

OBJECT – Each row from the database table is represented as an object (default).

ARRAY_A – Each row from the database table is represented as an associative array.

ARRAY_N – Each row from the database table is represented as an indexed array.

The $wpdb->get_results() function can also be used to retrieve data from multiple tables. This is accomplished by specifying the names of the tables in the SQL query. For example, the following query would retrieve data from the “posts” and “comments” tables:

SELECT * FROM posts, comments;

Performing Data Aggregation with wpdb

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the $wpdb->get_results() function, let’s take a look at how it can be used to perform data aggregation.

The first step is to define the SQL query that will be used to retrieve the data. For our purposes, we’ll use the following query:

SELECT post_title, COUNT(*) AS comment_count FROM posts, comments WHERE posts.ID = comments.comment_post_ID GROUP BY post_title ORDER BY comment_count DESC;

This query will retrieve the post title and comment count for each post in the WordPress database. The results will be sorted in descending order by comment count.

Next, we’ll use the $wpdb->get_results() function to execute the query and retrieve the results:

$results = $wpdb->get_results( $query, OBJECT );

Finally, we’ll loop through the results and output the post title and comment count for each post:

foreach ( $results as $result ) { echo $result->post_title . ‘: ‘ . $result->comment_count . ‘
‘; }


In this article, we’ve discussed how to use the wpdb class to aggregate data from multiple tables in a WordPress database. We’ve also looked at some best practices for plugin development and data management.

With the knowledge you’ve gained from this article, you should now be able to easily aggregate data from multiple sources in your own WordPress plugins.

If you want to perform data aggregation using the wpdb class in a WordPress plugin, here are some things you need to keep in mind:

First, you need to make sure that your plugin is compatible with the version of WordPress that you are using. The wpdb class was introduced in WordPress 3.1, so if you are using an older version of WordPress, you will need to use a different method for data aggregation.

Second, you need to have a good understanding of SQL. The wpdb class uses a lot of SQL queries, so if you are not familiar with SQL, you may want to consider using a different method for data aggregation.

Third, you need to be aware of the potential security risks involved with using the wpdb class. WordPress is a very popular content management system, so it is important to make sure that your plugin is secure.

Fourth, you need to be aware of the performance implications of using the wpdb class. The wpdb class can be very resource intensive, so you need to make sure that your plugin is designed to be as efficient as possible.

Finally, you need to make sure that your plugin is compatible with the other plugins that are installed on your WordPress site. The wpdb class can conflict with other plugins, so you need to make sure that your plugin is compatible with all of the other plugins that are installed on your WordPress site.

If you keep these things in mind, you should be able to use the wpdb class to perform data aggregation in your WordPress plugin.

In this example we will assume that we have a WordPress plugin that stores data about different countries in a MySQL database. We want to aggregate this data so that we can display it in a tabular format on a WordPress page.

We can do this using the WordPress function wpdb->get_results(). This function takes an SQL query as a parameter and returns the results of that query as an object.

So, our SQL query would look something like this:

SELECT country_name, COUNT(*) AS num_countries FROM wp_countries GROUP BY country_name ORDER BY num_countries DESC

This query will return the country_name and the number of countries for each country_name.

Once we have our results, we can loop through them and output them in a table.

Country Number of Countries
country_name; ?> num_countries; ?>

This code will output a table with the country_name and the number of countries for each country_name.