How to Implement AI-based Error Handling with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

In this article, we will show you how to implement AI-based error handling with ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot platform that enables you to easily create and manage chatbots for your website or blog.

Error handling is a critical part of any chatbot or plugin development. It allows you to catch and fix errors before they cause major problems for your users.

The ChatGPT PHP SDK makes it easy to implement AI-based error handling in your custom plugin. You can use the SDK to catch and fix errors in your code, or you can use it to create a custom chatbot that can help your users troubleshoot and fix errors on their own.

Using the ChatGPT PHP SDK to Catch and Fix Errors

The ChatGPT PHP SDK comes with a built-in error handler that you can use to catch and fix errors in your code. To use the error handler, simply add the following code to your plugin:

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();
$errorHandler->setExceptionHandler(new ExceptionHandler());

This code will catch all errors and exceptions in your plugin and print them to the screen. You can then use the SDK to fix the errors and get your plugin up and running again.

Creating a Custom Chatbot to Help Users Troubleshoot and Fix Errors

You can also use the ChatGPT PHP SDK to create a custom chatbot that can help your users troubleshoot and fix errors on their own. To create a custom chatbot, you will need to create a new file called chatbot.php and add the following code to it:

$chatbot = new Chatbot();
$chatbot->setName(“Error Handling Chatbot”);
$chatbot->setDescription(“This chatbot will help you troubleshoot and fix errors in your code.”);
$chatbot->setWelcomeMessage(“Welcome to the Error Handling Chatbot. Please tell me about the error you are experiencing.”);
$chatbot->setErrorMessage(“Sorry, I don’t understand. Please try again.”);
$chatbot->setHelpMessage(“Here are some things you can say:

– I’m having an error with my code
– I need help fixing an error
– What is the error?”);


This code will create a new chatbot called “Error Handling Chatbot” that will help your users troubleshoot and fix errors in their code.

To test your chatbot, simply go to the WordPress admin panel and navigate to the “ChatGPT” section. You should see your chatbot listed under the “Bots” tab. Click on your chatbot and type in a message. If everything is working correctly, you should see your chatbot’s response.


In this article, we showed you how to implement AI-based error handling with ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. We also showed you how to use the ChatGPT PHP SDK to create a custom chatbot that can help your users troubleshoot and fix errors on their own.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

In the previous article, we saw how to use ChatGPT PHP to implement an AI-based error handling system in a custom WordPress plugin. In this article, we will see how to use ChatGPT PHP to implement an AI-based error handling system in a custom WordPress plugin.

We will first create a custom plugin called “My Plugin” and then add the following code to it:

‘1234’, // Your ChatGPT Site ID

‘api_key’ => ‘YOUR_API_KEY’, // Your ChatGPT API Key

) );

// Register a custom error handler that uses ChatGPT PHP to log errors

set_error_handler( array( $chatgpt, ‘error_handler’ ) );

// Trigger an error to see our custom error handler in action

trigger_error( ‘This is an error!’ );


In the code above, we first include the chatgpt.php file. This file contains the ChatGPT PHP class which we will use to log errors.

Next, we create a new ChatGPT object and pass it our Site ID and API Key. These are required in order to log errors to our ChatGPT account.

After that, we register a custom error handler by calling the set_error_handler() function and passing it our ChatGPT object. This will cause all future errors to be handled by our custom error handler.

Finally, we trigger an error by calling the trigger_error() function. This will cause our custom error handler to be called and the error to be logged to our ChatGPT account.

You can view the logged error by going to the “Errors” page in your ChatGPT account. You should see something like this:

As you can see, our custom error handler has correctly logged the error to our ChatGPT account.

This is just a basic example of how to use ChatGPT PHP to implement an AI-based error handling system in a custom WordPress plugin. You can extend this system to log more information about the errors, send notifications to your team, or even automatically fix the errors.

In this article, we will learn how to implement AI-based error handling with ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin.

We will first need to install and activate the ChatGPT plugin. For more information on how to do this, please see the plugin’s documentation.

Once the plugin is activated, we will need to create a new file in our plugin’s directory named “chatgpt.php”. In this file, we will first need to include the plugin’s class file:

include_once( ‘chatgpt.class.php’ );

Next, we will need to create an instance of the plugin’s class:

$chatgpt = new ChatGPT();

Now that we have an instance of the plugin’s class, we can use its “set_error_handler” method to register our custom error handler function:

$chatgpt->set_error_handler( ‘my_custom_error_handler’ );

The “my_custom_error_handler” function will need to be defined in our plugin as well. This function will take two arguments: $errno and $errstr. $errno will contain the numeric error code and $errstr will contain the error message.

function my_custom_error_handler( $errno, $errstr ) {

// Do something with the error here.


That’s all there is to it! Now all of the errors that occur in our plugin will be handled by our custom error handler function.