How to Implement AI-based Content Recommendations with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 18th June 2023

If you want to offer your visitors personalized content recommendations on your WordPress site, you can use the ChatGPT PHP API to integrate AI-based content recommendations into your custom plugin. In this article, we’ll show you how to implement ChatGPT PHP content recommendations in a custom WordPress plugin.

What is ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP is a natural language processing API that enables you to build AI-powered chatbots and content recommenders. ChatGPT PHP uses a technique called latent semantic analysis (LSA) to analyze the relationships between the words in a text document. LSA is a statistical technique that can be used to find the hidden meaning in a text by identifying the relationships between the words in the text.

How to Implement ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

To implement ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin, you’ll need to create a custom plugin and then add the following code to the plugin:

getRecommendations( array(

‘content_id’ => ‘YOUR_CONTENT_ID’,

‘num_recs’ => ‘NUM_RECS’

) );

// Output the recommendations

foreach ( $recommendations as $recommendation ) {

echo ‘

‘ . $recommendation[‘title’] . ‘




In the code above, you’ll need to replace YOUR_CONTENT_ID with the ID of the content you want to recommend, and NUM_RECS with the number of recommendations you want to return.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to implement ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. ChatGPT PHP is a powerful API that can be used to build AI-powered chatbots and content recommenders.

If you’re a WordPress developer, you may be wondering how you can add AI-based content recommendations to your site. Luckily, there’s a PHP library called ChatGPT that makes it easy to do just that.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use ChatGPT to add AI-based content recommendations to a custom WordPress plugin.

1. Install the ChatGPT PHP Library

The first thing you’ll need to do is install the ChatGPT PHP library. You can do this using Composer:

composer require chatgpt/chatgpt

2. Create a Plugin

Next, you’ll need to create a WordPress plugin. This will be the plugin that houses your content recommendations.

You can create a plugin by creating a new directory in your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins directory. For this tutorial, we’ll call our plugin ai-content-recommendations.

3. Create a Recommendations Template

Inside your plugin directory, create a new file called recommendations.php. This will be the template that displays your content recommendations.

In this file, you’ll need to use the ChatGPT PHP library to get content recommendations from the ChatGPT API. You can do this by using the getRecommendations() method:

$recommendations = ChatGPT::getRecommendations();

This method accepts an array of options, which you can use to customize the recommendations that are returned. For example, you can use the contentType option to specify the type of content you want to receive recommendations for:

$options = [ ‘contentType’ => ‘article’, ]; $recommendations = ChatGPT::getRecommendations($options);

4. Register the Recommendations Template

Now that you have a recommendations.php template, you need to register it with WordPress so that it can be used.

You can register a template by using the register_theme_directory() function. This function accepts two arguments: the path to the template and an array of options.

In our case, we need to specify the path to our recommendations.php template. We can do this by using the plugin_dir_path() function, which returns the path to a given plugin directory:

register_theme_directory( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) );

We also need to specify the template as an option. We can do this by using the ‘template’ => ‘recommendations.php’ syntax:

register_theme_directory( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__), [ ‘template’ => ‘recommendations.php’, ] );

5. Display the Recommendations Template

Now that you have registered your recommendations.php template, you need to actually display it on your WordPress site.

The easiest way to do this is to add a shortcode. Shortcodes are WordPress-specific tags that allow you to embed content in posts and pages.

To create a shortcode, you need to use the add_shortcode() function. This function accepts two arguments: the name of the shortcode and a callback function:

add_shortcode( ‘recommendations’, ‘recommendations_shortcode’ );

The callback function is what will actually output the content of the shortcode. In our case, we want to output the contents of our recommendations.php template.

We can do this by using the locate_template() function. This function accepts a template name and loads the template if it exists:

function recommendations_shortcode() { locate_template( ‘recommendations.php’ ); }

Now that you have a shortcode, you can output your content recommendations anywhere on your WordPress site by simply adding the [recommendations] shortcode to a post or page.

6. Customize the Recommendations Template

Now that you have a basic recommendations template up and running, you can start customizing it to better fit your needs.

One thing you may want to do is limit the number of recommendations that are displayed. You can do this by passing an array of options to the getRecommendations() method.

For example, you can use the limit option to specify the maximum number of recommendations you want to receive:

$options = [ ‘limit’ => 3, ]; $recommendations = ChatGPT::getRecommendations($options);

Another thing you may want to do is filter the recommendations that are returned. For example, you may only want to receive recommendations for articles that are related to the current post.

You can do this by using the contentFilter option. This option accepts a callback function, which is used to filter the recommendations:

$options = [ ‘contentFilter’ => function($recommendation) { // Only return recommendations for articles that are related to the current post. if ($recommendation[‘contentType’] != ‘article’) { return false; } $post_tags = get_the_tags(); foreach ($post_tags as $tag) { if (in_array($tag->term_id, $recommendation[‘tags’])) { return true; } } return false; }, ]; $recommendations = ChatGPT::getRecommendations($options);

7. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we’ve shown you how to use the ChatGPT PHP library to add AI-based content recommendations to a custom WordPress plugin.

We’ve also shown you how to customize the recommendations template to better fit your needs.

If you’re looking for more ways to customize your content recommendations, be sure to check out the ChatGPT documentation.