How to Create Dynamic Chat Interfaces with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 20th June 2023

How to Create Dynamic Chat Interfaces with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

If you’re a WordPress developer, chances are you’ve been asked to create a custom plugin at some point. And if you’re anything like me, you probably dread the thought of having to write PHP code.

But what if I told you that there was a way to create dynamic chat interfaces without having to write a single line of PHP code?

Introducing ChatGPT PHP, a free and open source library that makes it easy to create dynamic chat interfaces in WordPress.

ChatGPT PHP is a wrapper for the Google Chat API that allows you to easily create custom chatbots. And best of all, it integrates seamlessly with WordPress.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to use ChatGPT PHP to create a custom chatbot for your WordPress site.

1. Create a new WordPress plugin

First, you’ll need to create a new WordPress plugin. I like to keep all of my custom plugins in a directory called “custom-plugins” in my WordPress installation.

To create a new WordPress plugin, simply create a new directory in your “custom-plugins” directory and name it something like “my-chatbot-plugin”.

2. Create a new PHP file in your plugin directory

Next, you’ll need to create a new PHP file in your plugin directory. I like to name my main plugin file “plugin.php”.

In your “plugin.php” file, you’ll need to include the following code:

This is the basic code for any WordPress plugin. It tells WordPress what your plugin is called, what it does, and who created it.

3. Include the ChatGPT PHP library

Next, you’ll need to include the ChatGPT PHP library. You can do this by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

require_once( ‘path/to/chatgpt-php/src/chatgpt-php.php’ );

Replace “path/to” with the path to the “chatgpt-php” directory.

4. Instantiate the ChatGPT PHP library

Once the ChatGPT PHP library is included, you can instantiate it by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt = new ChatGPT_PHP();

This will create a new instance of the ChatGPT PHP library.

5. Register your chatbot

Now that you have a ChatGPT PHP instance, you can register your chatbot by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatbot_id = $chatgpt->register_chatbot( ‘my-chatbot’ );

Replace “my-chatbot” with the ID of your chatbot. This is the ID that you’ll use to reference your chatbot in the code.

6. Set the chatbot’s name

You can set the chatbot’s name by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt->set_chatbot_name( $chatbot_id, ‘My Chatbot’ );

Replace “My Chatbot” with the name of your chatbot.

7. Set the chatbot’s avatar

You can also set the chatbot’s avatar by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt->set_chatbot_avatar( $chatbot_id, ‘’ );

Replace “” with the URL of your chatbot’s avatar.

8. Set the chatbot’s welcome message

You can set the chatbot’s welcome message by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt->set_chatbot_welcome_message( $chatbot_id, ‘Hello! My name is My Chatbot. How can I help you?’ );

Replace “Hello! My name is My Chatbot. How can I help you?” with the welcome message you want your chatbot to use.

9. Set the chatbot’s default response

If your chatbot doesn’t understand a user’s input, you can set a default response by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt->set_chatbot_default_response( $chatbot_id, ‘I’m sorry, I don’t understand.’ );

Replace “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” with the default response you want your chatbot to use.

10. Add a chatbot response

Now you can start adding responses for your chatbot. You can do this by adding the following line of code to your “plugin.php” file:

$chatgpt->add_chatbot_response( $chatbot_id, ‘Hello’, ‘Hello! How are you?’ );

Replace “Hello” with the input you want your chatbot to respond to and “Hello! How are you?” with the response you want your chatbot to use.

You can add as many responses as you want. Just make sure to call the “add_chatbot_response” function for each one.

11. That’s it!

That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve added all of your chatbot’s responses, your chatbot will be up and running.

Of course, there’s a lot more you can do with ChatGPT PHP. For more information, check out the ChatGPT PHP documentation.

In the previous article, we showed you how to create a basic chat interface using ChatGPT PHP. In this article, we will show you how to create a dynamic chat interface that allows your users to chat with each other in real time.

To do this, we will need to use the Pusher PHP library. Pusher is a service that makes it easy to add real-time features to your web applications.

First, you will need to sign up for a free Pusher account. Once you have done that, you will need to create a new Pusher app. Give your app a name and description, and then choose a cluster. For this tutorial, we will be using the US West cluster.

Once you have created your Pusher app, you will need to copy your app’s key, secret, and cluster from the Pusher dashboard and paste them into your ChatGPT PHP code.

Next, we will need to create a new file called pusher.php and paste the following code into it:

‘us2’ )



Replace YOUR_APP_KEY, YOUR_APP_SECRET, and YOUR_APP_CLUSTER with your Pusher app’s key, secret, and cluster.

Now, we will need to modify our chat.php file to use Pusher. First, we will need to require pusher.php at the top of the file:

require_once( ‘pusher.php’ );

Next, we will need to modify our send_message() function to trigger a Pusher event when a message is sent:

function send_message($message) {

global $pusher;

$pusher->trigger( ‘chat’, ‘message_sent’, $message );


Finally, we will need to modify our display_messages() function to retrieve messages from Pusher:

function display_messages() {

global $pusher;

$messages = $pusher->get( ‘chat’, ‘message_sent’ );

foreach ( $messages as $message ) {

echo $message;




That’s it! You should now have a basic chat interface that allows users to chat with each other in real time.