How to Create Contextual Chatbot Responses with ChatGPT PHP in a Bespoke WordPress Plugin

Posted on 20th June 2023

and “bespoke wordpress plugin”

In this article, we’ll be discussing how to create contextual chatbot responses with ChatGPT PHP in a bespoke WordPress plugin. We’ll go over the basics of how ChatGPT works and how you can use it to create chatbot responses that are tailored to your specific needs.

First, let’s take a look at how ChatGPT works. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that allows you to create chatbot responses based on the context of a conversation. That means that you can create responses that are based on the specific words that are used in a conversation, as well as the tone and intent of the conversation.

In order to use ChatGPT, you’ll need to create a ChatGPT account and install the ChatGPT PHP library. Once you have those two things set up, you can start creating your chatbot responses.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to create a file called “config.php” in your project’s root directory. In this file, you’ll need to set up your ChatGPT account details. You’ll need to provide your ChatGPT API key, as well as the URL of your ChatGPT server.

Once you have your config file set up, you can start creating your chatbot responses.ChatGPT offers a number of different ways to create chatbot responses. The most basic way is to use the “text” method. This method allows you to simply provide a string of text that will be used as the chatbot’s response.

If you want to get a bit more sophisticated, you can use the “template” method. This method allows you to provide a template string that will be used to generate the chatbot’s response. The template string can contain variables that will be replaced with the context of the conversation.

For example, let’s say you have a chatbot that is designed to help people book hotel rooms. You could use the following template string:

“I can help you find a hotel room in {city}. Would you like me to search for you?”

This template string would be replaced with the context of the conversation, so if the user said “I’m looking for a hotel room in New York”, the chatbot would respond with “I can help you find a hotel room in New York. Would you like me to search for you?”.

If you want to get even more sophisticated, you can use the “script” method. This method allows you to provide a PHP script that will be used to generate the chatbot’s response. The script can access the context of the conversation and use it to generate a response.

For example, let’s say you have a chatbot that is designed to help people book hotel rooms. You could use the following script:

This script would be able to access the context of the conversation and use it to generate a response. If the user said “I’m looking for a hotel room in New York”, the chatbot would respond with “I can help you find a hotel room in New York. Would you like me to search for you?”. If the user said “I’m looking for a hotel room in Paris”, the chatbot would respond with “I’m sorry, I don’t know of any hotels in Paris.”.

As you can see, ChatGPT allows you to create chatbot responses that are tailored to your specific needs. By using the methods described above, you can create chatbot responses that are based on the context of a conversation, as well as the specific words that are used in the conversation.

The next thing we need to do is define our chatbot responses. We’ll do this by creating a function that will take in a message and return a response.

To do this, we’ll need to first parse the message to see what it is about. We can do this by using the PHP function strpos.

This function will return the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.

We can use this to check if a particular word or phrase is present in the message.

For example, we can use it to check if the word “hello” is present in the message.

If it is, we can return a response of “Hello, how are you?”.

Similarly, we can use it to check for other words or phrases, and return a corresponding response.

Here’s the code for our function:

function chatbot_response($message) {

$hello = strpos($message, ‘hello’);

if ($hello !== false) {

return “Hello, how are you?”;


$how_are_you = strpos($message, ‘how are you’);

if ($how_are_you !== false) {

return “I’m good, thanks for asking.”;


$what_is_your_name = strpos($message, ‘what is your name’);

if ($what_is_your_name !== false) {

return “My name is ChatGPT.”;


$what_can_you_do = strpos($message, ‘what can you do’);

if ($what_can_you_do !== false) {

return “I can help you with anything you need help with.”;



As you can see, we’ve defined a few different responses for different inputs.

Feel free to add your own responses.

Once you’ve done that, you can test it out by calling the function with a message.

For example:

$message = “Hello, how are you?”;

$response = chatbot_response($message);

echo $response;

This should print out “Hello, how are you?”

You can also test it with other messages to see the different responses.

And that’s it! You now have a basic chatbot that you can use to respond to messages.

Of course, you’ll probably want to add more responses and make it more sophisticated.

But this should give you a good starting point.

In the previous article, we looked at how to create a basic chatbot response using ChatGPT PHP. In this article, we will look at how to create a more contextual chatbot response by adding some more information to our chatbot.

We will start by adding a name to our chatbot. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$name = “My Chatbot”;

We will also add a description of our chatbot. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$description = “My chatbot is a simple chatbot that responds to basic questions.”;

We will also add an avatar to our chatbot. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$avatar = “”;

Finally, we will add a list of skills to our chatbot. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$skills = array( “Responding to basic questions”, “Answering simple questions”, “Small talk” );

Once we have added all of this information to our chatbot, we can now create a more contextual chatbot response. For this example, we will add a context variable to our chatbot response. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$context = “I am a chatbot.”;

With this context variable in place, we can now create a more contextual chatbot response. For this example, we will add a response to our chatbot that includes the context variable. To do this, we will add the following code to our chatbot.php file:

$response = “Hi, my name is $name and $context”;

As you can see, we have added the $name and $context variables to our chatbot response. This will give our chatbot a more contextual response when it is asked questions.

In the next article, we will look at how to add more functionality to our chatbot by adding buttons to our chatbot responses.