How to Create and Edit Paths in Adobe Illustrator

Creating a New Path

To create a new path in Adobe Illustrator, use the Pen tool. Click once to create a anchor point, then click and drag to create a curved line. To create a straight line, hold Shift while you click and drag. To create multiple anchor points at once, hold Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) while you click.

Editing an Existing Path

To edit an existing path, use the Direct Selection tool. Click and drag to select anchor points or segments. To add an anchor point to a path, click the path with the Add Anchor Point tool. To delete an anchor point from a path, click the anchor point with the Delete Anchor Point tool.

Converting Anchor Points

To convert between corner and smooth anchor points, select the anchor point with the Direct Selection tool and click the Convert selected anchor points to corner or Convert selected anchor points to smooth buttons in the options bar.

Joining Paths

To join two open paths, select both paths with the Selection tool and click the Join button in the options bar. To join two endpoints of open paths, select both paths with the Selection tool and click the Join button in the options bar. To join two closed paths, select both paths with the Selection tool and click the Join button in the options bar.

Clipping Paths

To clip a path, select the path with the Selection tool and click the Clip button in the options bar. To release a clipping path, select the clipping path with the Selection tool and click the Release button in the options bar.

If you want to edit a path, you can use the Direct Selection tool (A) to select individual anchor points or segments. To move an entire path, use the Selection tool (V).

To add an anchor point to a path, use the Add Anchor Point tool (+). To delete an anchor point, use the Delete Anchor Point tool (-).

To change the shape of a path segment, use the Convert Anchor Point tool (Shift-C). To round the corners of a rectangular path, use the Round Any Corner tool.

To join two open paths, use the Join tool (J). To split a path, use the Cut Path at Selected Anchor Points tool or the Cut Path at Selected Anchor Points tool.

To change the stroke weight of a path, use the Width tool (Shift-W). To change the dash pattern of a path, use the Stroke panel.

To fill a path with color, use the Fill tool (Shift-F). To add a gradient or pattern fill, use the Gradient tool (G) or the Pattern tool (P).

To add a stroke to a path, use the Stroke tool (S). To change the stroke color, use the Color panel.

To save a path as a preset, use the Preset Manager.

Assuming you have a basic understanding of the pen tool, and have chosen to use the pen tool (as opposed to the pencil tool or one of the shape tools), the following steps will show you how to create and edit paths in Adobe Illustrator.

1. Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document.

2. Select the pen tool from the toolbox.

3. Draw a path on the canvas. To do this, click on the canvas where you want the path to start, then click and drag to where you want the path to end. As you drag, you’ll see a line appear. This is the path you’re creating.

4. To continue the path from where you left off, simply click and drag again from the endpoint of the previous path. To create a sharp corner, click and release the mouse button, then click and drag again.

5. To finish the path, click on the endpoint of the last path you created. You’ll see a small circle appear next to the cursor, indicating that you’re at the end of the path.

6. To edit a path, select the direct selection tool from the toolbox. This tool allows you to select individual anchor points and segments of a path.

7. To select an anchor point, simply click on it. To select a segment, click on it and drag.

8. To delete an anchor point, select it and press the delete key. To delete a segment, select it and press the backspace key.

9. To add an anchor point, select the pen tool and hover over the path you want to add an anchor point to. You’ll see a small plus sign appear next to the cursor. Click to add the anchor point.

10. To move an anchor point, select the direct selection tool and click and drag the anchor point to where you want it to go.

11. To move a segment, select the direct selection tool and click on the segment you want to move. Drag it to where you want it to go.

12. To change the shape of a segment, select the direct selection tool and click on the anchor point at either end of the segment you want to change. Drag the anchor point to where you want it to go.

13. To change the width of a path, select the pen tool and hover over the path you want to change. You’ll see a small minus sign appear next to the cursor. Click and drag to the left to make the path narrower, or to the right to make it wider.

14. To change the color of a path, select the path and then choose a color from the swatches panel.

15. To stroke a path, select the path and then choose a stroke weight from the stroke panel.

16. To fill a path, select the path and then choose a color from the swatches panel.

17. To save your work, choose File > Save from the menu bar.

If you want to move a anchor point, simply click and drag it to a new location. You can also use the Direct Selection tool to select anchor points, as well as the entire path.

To delete a anchor point, select it with the Direct Selection tool and press the Delete key. Alternatively, you can click the anchor point with the Delete Anchor Point tool.

If you want to add a new anchor point to an existing path, you can use the Add Anchor Point tool. Simply click on the path where you want to add the new anchor point.

You can also use the Pen tool to add new anchor points to a path. To do this, simply hover over the path with the Pen tool until you see the “+” icon, then click to add a new anchor point.

Finally, you can edit anchor points using the Convert Anchor Point tool. This tool allows you to change the type of anchor point, as well as delete and add anchor points.






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