WordPress is a great platform for developing plugins. In this article, we will show you how to build a slider plugin for WordPress.
First, you will need to create a new folder for your plugin. You can name it anything you like. For this example, we will name it “myslider”.
Next, you will need to create a file named “myslider.php” in your new folder. This will be the main plugin file.
In your new plugin file, you will need to add the following code:
), $atts ) );
return ‘
add_shortcode( ‘myslider’, ‘myslider_shortcode’ );
In the code above, we are just registering our plugin with WordPress. We are also enqueuing our plugin’s scripts and styles.
Next, you will need to create a file named “myslider.js” in your plugin’s “js” folder. This will be our plugin’s main JavaScript file.
In your new JavaScript file, you will need to add the following code:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(‘.myslider’).each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $items = $this.find(‘.myslider-item’);
var $nav = $this.find(‘.myslider-nav’);
var $prev = $nav.find(‘.myslider-prev’);
var $next = $nav.find(‘.myslider-next’);
var currentIndex = 0;
var interval = null;
$prev.on(‘click’, function() {
$next.on(‘click’, function() {
function prev() {
if (currentIndex = $items.length) {
currentIndex = 0;
interval = setInterval(next, 3000);
In the code above, we are just creating a simple jQuery slider. You can modify this code to suit your needs.
Next, you will need to create a file named “myslider.css” in your plugin’s “css” folder. This will be our plugin’s main CSS file.
In your new CSS file, you will need to add the following code:
.myslider {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.myslider .myslider-item {
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
float: left;
.myslider .myslider-item.active {
opacity: 1;
.myslider .myslider-item:not(.active) {
opacity: 0;
.myslider .myslider-nav {
text-align: center;
.myslider .myslider-nav .myslider-prev,
.myslider .myslider-nav .myslider-next {
padding: 10px 20px;
background: #333;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
.myslider .myslider-nav .myslider-prev:hover,
.myslider .myslider-nav .myslider-next:hover {
background: #fff;
color: #333;
In the code above, we are just styling our slider. You can modify this code to suit your needs.
Finally, you will need to add your slider content. You can do this by creating a file named “myslider-content.php” in your plugin’s folder.
In your new content file, you will need to add the following code:
<div class="myslider-item" style="background-image: url();”>
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