How to Build a Code Auto-completion Tool with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 20th June 2023

As a WordPress developer, you may have come across the need to integrate a code auto-completion tool into your workflow. Perhaps you’re working on a plugin that requires custom code, or you simply want to streamline your development process by having access to code snippets. Whatever the reason, ChatGPT PHP can be a great option for code auto-completion in WordPress.

In this article, we’ll show you how to integrate ChatGPT PHP into a WordPress plugin. We’ll cover the basics of how to set up the tool, how to use it to auto-complete code, and how to integrate it with your existing development workflow.

What is ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP is a code auto-completion tool that can be used in WordPress. It’s available as a plugin, and it can be used to auto-complete code for any language that’s supported by the PHP interpreter.

How to Install ChatGPT PHP

Installing ChatGPT PHP is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to download the plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.

Next, you’ll need to install the plugin on your WordPress site. You can do this by logging into your WordPress site, going to the “Plugins” page, and clicking “Add New.”

From here, you’ll be able to search for “ChatGPT PHP” in the WordPress plugin repository. Once you’ve found the plugin, click “Install Now.”

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll need to activate it. You can do this by going to the “Plugins” page and clicking “Activate” next to the “ChatGPT PHP” plugin.

How to Use ChatGPT PHP

Once the plugin is activated, you’ll be able to use it to auto-complete code for any language that’s supported by the PHP interpreter. To do this, simply start typing your code into the WordPress editor.

As you type, ChatGPT PHP will automatically suggest code completion options. You can select an option by pressing the “Tab” key, or you can continue typing to ignore the suggestion.

How to Configure ChatGPT PHP

ChatGPT PHP has a few options that you can configure to customize its behavior. To access these options, click on the “ChatGPT PHP” link in the left-hand sidebar of the WordPress admin panel.

From here, you’ll be able to configure the following options:

  • Enable/Disable: This option allows you to enable or disable ChatGPT PHP. If you’re not using ChatGPT PHP, you can disable it to improve performance.
  • Maximum Suggestions: This option allows you to configure the maximum number of suggestions that ChatGPT PHP will show. The default value is 10, but you can increase or decrease this as needed.
  • Ignore Words: This option allows you to configure a list of words that ChatGPT PHP should ignore when suggesting code completion options. This can be useful if there are certain words that you don’t want to be auto-completed.

How to Integrate ChatGPT PHP with Your Development Workflow

If you’re a WordPress developer, you can integrate ChatGPT PHP into your development workflow. To do this, you’ll need to install the WordPress CLI and the ChatGPT PHP CLI tool.

Once you’ve installed the WordPress CLI and the ChatGPT PHP CLI tool, you can use the following commands to integrate ChatGPT PHP into your development workflow:

  • wp chatgptphp create-completion-file: This command will create a file that contains all of the code completion options for ChatGPT PHP. This file can be used with your IDE or text editor to provide code completion suggestions as you type.
  • wp chatgptphp update-completion-file: This command will update the file that contains all of the code completion options for ChatGPT PHP. This is useful if you’ve added or removed any code completion options since the last time the file was generated.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to integrate ChatGPT PHP into a WordPress plugin. We’ve covered the basics of how to set up the tool, how to use it to auto-complete code, and how to integrate it with your existing development workflow.

In this article, we will continue to build on the code auto-completion tool we started in the previous article. We will add the ability to search for and insert PHP functions into our code.

The first thing we need to do is add a new file to our plugin, called functions.php. This file will contain a list of all the PHP functions we want to be able to search for and insert into our code.

Next, we need to modify our search.php file to include the functions.php file and search through the functions array.

Now, when you type in a query into the search box, it will search through the list of functions and return any that match.

Finally, we need to modify our insert.php file to insert the selected function into our code.


$function = $_GET['function'];

echo "”;


Now, when you select a function from the list, it will be inserted into your code.

That’s it! You now have a basic code auto-completion tool that you can use to insert PHP functions into your code.

If you want to provide your users with an auto-completion tool for their code, you can use the ChatGPT PHP library. This library provides a simple interface for building auto-completion tools.

To use the ChatGPT PHP library, you first need to include the library in your WordPress plugin. You can do this by including the following line of code in your plugin:

require_once( ‘path/to/chatgpt-php/src/chatgpt.php’ );

Once you have included the library, you can start building your auto-completion tool. The first thing you need to do is create a new ChatGPT object. You can do this by calling the chatgpt_create() function. This function takes two arguments:

The first argument is an array of options. The only option that is required is the ‘id’ option. This option specifies the id of the auto-completion tool.

The second argument is a callback function. This function is called when the user types a character in the auto-completion input field. The function takes two arguments:

The first argument is the id of the auto-completion tool.

The second argument is the character that was typed.

Your callback function should return an array of results. Each result should be an associative array with two keys: ‘label’ and ‘value’. The ‘label’ key specifies the label that is displayed in the dropdown list. The ‘value’ key specifies the value that is inserted into the input field when the result is selected.

Once you have created your ChatGPT object, you need to register it with the chatgpt_register() function. This function takes two arguments:

The first argument is the id of the auto-completion tool.

The second argument is the ChatGPT object.

Once you have registered your auto-completion tool, you can use the chatgpt_render() function to render the tool. This function takes two arguments:

The first argument is the id of the auto-completion tool.

The second argument is the name of the input field.

You can call the chatgpt_render() function multiple times to render multiple auto-completion tools.

That’s all you need to do to build a simple auto-completion tool with the ChatGPT PHP library.