How to Build a Chatbot Support System with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 16th June 2023


In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a chatbot support system using ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. This chatbot support system can be used to provide customer support or answer questions on your website.

What is ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP is a open source PHP library for building chatbots. It is easy to use and provides a powerful set of features for building chatbots.

Features of ChatGPT PHP

Some of the features of ChatGPT PHP are:

  • Natural language processing
  • Pattern matching
  • Respond to user input
  • Save user data
  • Integrate with third-party services

How to Install ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP can be installed using Composer. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP.

If you don’t have Composer installed on your system, you can install it using the following command:

curl -sS | php

Once Composer is installed, you can install ChatGPT PHP using the following command:

composer require chatgpt/chatgpt

How to Use ChatGPT PHP?

Once ChatGPT PHP is installed, you can use it in your PHP code by including the following line:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

You can then create a chatbot using the following code:

$bot = new ChatGPTBot();

You can then add patterns and responses to the chatbot using the following code:

$bot->addPattern('hello', 'Hello!');

$bot->addPattern('how are you', 'I am doing well. Thank you for asking.');

You can then run the chatbot using the following code:


How to Integrate ChatGPT PHP with WordPress?

To integrate ChatGPT PHP with WordPress, you need to create a custom plugin. First, create a plugin file named “my-plugin.php” in the “wp-content/plugins” directory.

Next, add the following code to the “my-plugin.php” file:

addPattern(‘hello’, ‘Hello!’);
$bot->addPattern(‘how are you’, ‘I am doing well. Thank you for asking.’);

// Run the chatbot.

In the above code, we first include the ChatGPT PHP library. We then create a chatbot and add patterns and responses to it. Finally, we run the chatbot.

You can then activate the plugin by going to the “Plugins” page in the WordPress admin panel and clicking on the “Activate” link for the “My Plugin” plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, the chatbot will be available on your website.

Assuming you have a basic understanding of PHP, we will now proceed to build a chatbot support system with ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin.

1. Create a new folder in your WordPress plugin directory named “chatgpt-support”.

2. Create a file named “chatgpt-support.php” in your new plugin folder and paste the following code into it:

3. In your “chatgpt-support.php” file, replace “Your Name” with your name, “Your Website” with your website URL, and “Your Email Address” with your email address.

4. Save and close the “chatgpt-support.php” file.

5. Create a file named “class-chatgpt-support.php” in your plugin folder and paste the following code into it:

options = get_option( ‘chatgpt_support_options’ );

if ( ! $this->options ) {

$this->options = array(

‘bot_name’ => ‘ChatGPT’,

‘bot_avatar’ => CHATGPT_SUPPORT_PLUGIN_URL . ‘bot.png’,

‘bot_welcome_message’ => __( ‘Hello, how can I help you?’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ),

‘user_name’ => ‘Visitor’,

‘user_avatar’ => CHATGPT_SUPPORT_PLUGIN_URL . ‘user.png’,

‘logo’ => CHATGPT_SUPPORT_PLUGIN_URL . ‘logo.png’,

‘background_color’ => ‘#ededed’,

‘primary_color’ => ‘#37a7ff’,

‘button_color’ => ‘#37a7ff’,

‘button_text_color’ => ‘#fff’,

‘link_color’ => ‘#37a7ff’,

‘box_shadow_color’ => ‘#37a7ff’,

‘box_shadow_opacity’ => ‘0.2’,

‘powered_by’ => 1


update_option( ‘chatgpt_support_options’, $this->options );


// Register settings

add_action( ‘admin_init’, array( $this, ‘register_settings’ ) );

// Add the chatbot to the footer

add_action( ‘wp_footer’, array( $this, ‘add_chatbot’ ) );

// Load CSS

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, array( $this, ‘load_css’ ) );


public static function get_instance() {

static $instance = null;

if ( is_null( $instance ) ) {

$instance = new ChatGPT_Support();


return $instance;


public function register_settings() {

register_setting( ‘chatgpt_support_options’, ‘chatgpt_support_options’, array( $this, ‘validate_options’ ) );

add_settings_section( ‘chatgpt_support_main’, __( ‘Main Settings’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘section_main’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’ );

add_settings_field( ‘bot_name’, __( ‘Bot Name’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘bot_name’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘bot_name’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The name of your chatbot’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_field( ‘bot_avatar’, __( ‘Bot Avatar’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘bot_avatar’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘bot_avatar’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The avatar of your chatbot’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_field( ‘bot_welcome_message’, __( ‘Bot Welcome Message’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘bot_welcome_message’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘bot_welcome_message’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The welcome message your chatbot will say’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_field( ‘user_name’, __( ‘User Name’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘user_name’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘user_name’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The name of the user’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_field( ‘user_avatar’, __( ‘User Avatar’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘user_avatar’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘user_avatar’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The avatar of the user’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_field( ‘logo’, __( ‘Logo’, ‘chatgpt-support’ ), array( $this, ‘field_text’ ), ‘chatgpt_support’, ‘chatgpt_support_main’, array(

‘name’ => ‘logo’,

‘value’ => $this->options[‘logo’],

‘description’ => __( ‘The logo of your website’, ‘chatgpt-support’ )

) );

add_settings_section( ‘chatgpt_support_colors’,