Customizing CSS in WordPress Themes

Posted on 20th June 2023

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. A style sheet is a collection of rules that tells a web browser how to display a document written in HTML or XML.

CSS is used to style all HTML tags, including the document’s body, headings, paragraphs, and other pieces of text. CSS can also be used to style the display of table elements, grid elements, and images.

The most common use of CSS is to style the look and feel of web pages. CSS can be used to control the layout of a web page, to change the color of text, to add or remove borders, and to make other changes to the appearance of a web page.

CSS can be written in three different ways: inline, embedded, or external.

Inline CSS is used to style a single HTML element. Inline CSS is written within the opening tag of an HTML element, using the style attribute.

Embedded CSS is used to style an entire HTML document. Embedded CSS is written within the head element, using the style element.

External CSS is used to style multiple HTML documents. External CSS is written in a separate file, using the link element.

WordPress themes are written in HTML, CSS, and PHP. CSS is used to style the look and feel of WordPress themes.

CSS can be used to change the color of text, the size of text, the spacing of text, and the style of text. CSS can also be used to change the color of background, the size of background, the spacing of background, and the style of background.

In order to customize CSS in WordPress themes, you will need to have a basic understanding of CSS.

There are three ways to customize CSS in WordPress themes: inline, embedded, or external.

Inline CSS is used to style a single HTML element. Inline CSS is written within the opening tag of an HTML element, using the style attribute.

Embedded CSS is used to style an entire HTML document. Embedded CSS is written within the head element, using the style element.

External CSS is used to style multiple HTML documents. External CSS is written in a separate file, using the link element.

In order to change the color of text in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the color property. The color property can be used to change the color of text, the background color of text, or both.

In order to change the size of text in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the font-size property. The font-size property can be used to change the size of text, the line-height of text, or both.

In order to change the spacing of text in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the letter-spacing property. The letter-spacing property can be used to change the spacing of text, the word-spacing of text, or both.

In order to change the style of text in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the font-style property. The font-style property can be used to change the style of text, the weight of text, or both.

In order to change the color of background in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the background-color property. The background-color property can be used to change the color of the background, the color of the border, or both.

In order to change the size of background in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the background-size property. The background-size property can be used to change the size of the background, the width of the background, or both.

In order to change the spacing of background in a WordPress theme, you will need to use the background-spacing property. The background-spacing property can be used to change the spacing of the background, the padding of the background, or both.

It’s also possible to add custom CSS to your WordPress site without a plugin or child theme. You can do this by adding CSS directly to your theme’s stylesheet, or by adding it to your Customizer settings.

Adding CSS to your stylesheet

To add CSS to your theme’s stylesheet, open your theme in the WordPress editor and select Stylesheet from the editor sidebar. Then, simply add your CSS code to the bottom of the stylesheet and save your changes.

Adding CSS to your Customizer settings

If you want to add CSS to your Customizer settings, open the Customizer and select the Additional CSS option from the sidebar. Then, add your CSS code to the text area and save your changes.

Now that you know how to add custom CSS to your WordPress site, let’s take a look at how to use CSS to customize your site’s appearance.

CSS can be used to customize any aspect of your site’s appearance, from the layout to the colors and fonts. In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the most common ways to customize your WordPress site with CSS.

Changing the layout with CSS

One of the most common ways to use CSS is to change the layout of your WordPress site. For example, you might want to change the width of your content area, or float your sidebar to the left or right of your content.

To change the layout of your WordPress site with CSS, you’ll need to edit your theme’s CSS file. To do this, open your theme in the WordPress editor and select Stylesheet from the editor sidebar. Then, simply add the CSS code that you want to use to the bottom of the stylesheet and save your changes.

Changing the colors with CSS

Another common way to use CSS is to change the colors of your WordPress site. For example, you might want to change the color of your site’s links, or the background color of your sidebar.

To change the colors of your WordPress site with CSS, you’ll need to edit your theme’s CSS file. To do this, open your theme in the WordPress editor and select Stylesheet from the editor sidebar. Then, simply add the CSS code that you want to use to the bottom of the stylesheet and save your changes.

Changing the fonts with CSS

You can also use CSS to change the fonts on your WordPress site. For example, you might want to change the font size of your site’s headings, or the font family of your site’s body text.

To change the fonts of your WordPress site with CSS, you’ll need to edit your theme’s CSS file. To do this, open your theme in the WordPress editor and select Stylesheet from the editor sidebar. Then, simply add the CSS code that you want to use to the bottom of the stylesheet and save your changes.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add custom CSS to your WordPress site. We’ve also taken a look at how to use CSS to customize your site’s appearance.