Creating AI-powered Content Generation with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 20th June 2023

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot platform that enables developers to easily create and deploy AI-powered chatbots for websites, apps, and messaging platforms.

What is Content Generation?

Content generation is the process of creating new content, typically for marketing or SEO purposes. This can include blog posts, articles, web pages, or any other type of content.

How can ChatGPT be used for content generation?

ChatGPT can be used to create chatbots that can generate new content. This can be done by training the chatbot on a dataset of existing content, such as blog posts or articles. The chatbot can then be used to generate new, similar content.

This can be useful for a number of reasons, such as:

– Automating content generation: Chatbots can be used to generate new content automatically, without the need for human intervention. This can save time and resources.

– Generating new content ideas: Chatbots can be used to generate new ideas for content, based on existing content. This can help to ensure that content is always fresh and relevant.

– Increasing content output: Chatbots can help to increase the output of content, by generating new content quickly and easily.

Why use a WordPress Plugin?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that can be added to a WordPress website to add new features or functionality. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress.

There are many reasons to use a WordPress plugin, such as:

– adding new features or functionality to a WordPress website
– extending the capabilities of a WordPress website
– customizing a WordPress website

How to create a ChatGPT-powered content generation chatbot in WordPress

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a ChatGPT-powered content generation chatbot in WordPress. This will enable you to automatically generate new content for your WordPress website.

We will cover the following topics:

– Installing the ChatGPT WordPress Plugin
– Creating a new ChatGPT chatbot
– Training the chatbot on a dataset of existing content
– Using the chatbot to generate new content

Let’s get started!

## Installing the ChatGPT WordPress Plugin

First, you will need to install the ChatGPT WordPress plugin. This can be done from the WordPress plugin repository.

To install the plugin, log into your WordPress website and navigate to the “Plugins” section. Then, click “Add New” and search for “ChatGPT”.

You should see the “ChatGPT” plugin appear in the search results. Click “Install Now” and then “Activate”.

The plugin is now installed and activated.

## Creating a new ChatGPT chatbot

Next, you will need to create a new ChatGPT chatbot. This can be done from the WordPress admin dashboard.

Navigate to the “ChatGPT” section and click “Add New”.

Enter a name for your chatbot and select a language. Then, click “Create Chatbot”.

Your chatbot is now created.

## Training the chatbot on a dataset of existing content

In order to generate new content, the chatbot must first be trained on a dataset of existing content. This can be done by providing the chatbot with a dataset of blog posts, articles, or any other type of content.

To train the chatbot, click “Edit” next to the chatbot you want to train.

Then, click “Train Chatbot”.

Enter a name for the training dataset and select the content type. Then, click “Create Dataset”.

You will now be able to upload the training dataset. This can be done by clicking “Upload Dataset” and selecting the file from your computer.

Once the dataset is uploaded, it will be processed and the chatbot will be trained.

## Using the chatbot to generate new content

Once the chatbot is trained, it can be used to generate new content. This can be done by providing the chatbot with a prompt, such as a title or keyword, and asking it to generate new content.

To generate new content, click “Edit” next to the chatbot you want to use.

Then, click “Generate Content”.

Enter a prompt and select the content type. Then, click “Generate Content”.

The chatbot will now generate new content based on the prompt.

You can then publish the content on your WordPress website.

## Conclusion

In this tutorial, we showed you how to create a ChatGPT-powered content generation chatbot in WordPress. This will enable you to automatically generate new content for your WordPress website.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

In the previous article, we looked at how to create AI-powered content generation with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin. In this article, we will look at how to use the same technique to generate content for a WordPress website.

To do this, we will need to create a WordPress plugin. In the plugin, we will create a shortcode that will allow us to insert the generated content into a post or page.

First, we will need to create a new file in the plugin directory called chatgpt-content-generation.php. In this file, we will start by creating a shortcode. A shortcode is a WordPress specific code that allows us to insert content into a post or page.

In the chatgpt-content-generation.php file, we will add the following code:


), $atts ) );

$atts = array(

‘model’ => $model,


return chatgpt_content_generation( $atts );


add_shortcode( ‘chatgpt_content_generation’, ‘chatgpt_content_generation_shortcode’ );


This code creates a new shortcode called chatgpt_content_generation. This shortcode takes two parameters, the model and the content. The model parameter tells the shortcode which ChatGPT PHP model to use. The content parameter allows us to specify the content that we want to generate.

In the code, we are using the ChatGPT PHP function chatgpt_content_generation(). This function takes an array of parameters. In this case, we are only specifying the model parameter.

Once we have added this code to the plugin, we can test it out by creating a new post or page and adding the following shortcode:

[chatgpt_content_generation model=”simple”]

This shortcode will use the simple ChatGPT PHP model to generate content. The content that is generated will be inserted into the post or page where the shortcode is used.

If we want to use a different model, we can simply change the model parameter in the shortcode. For example, if we wanted to use the news model, we would use the following shortcode:

[chatgpt_content_generation model=”news”]

This would use the news model to generate content for the post or page.

We can also use the content parameter to specify the content that we want to generate. For example, if we wanted to generate content about cats, we would use the following shortcode:

[chatgpt_content_generation model=”simple” content=”cats”]

This would use the simple model to generate content about cats.

If we want to generate content about a specific topic, we can use the content parameter to specify the topic. For example, if we wanted to generate content about the history of the United States, we would use the following shortcode:

[chatgpt_content_generation model=”simple” content=”history United States”]

This would use the simple model to generate content about the history of the United States.

The ChatGPT PHP content generation system is a powerful tool that can be used to generate content for a WordPress website. By using a shortcode, we can easily insert the generated content into a post or page.