Creating a Test Data Generator for WordPress Plugin

Posted on 18th June 2023

As a WordPress plugin developer, you’re likely to come across the need to generate test data for your plugin at some point. Whether it’s for testing purposes or to create a demo of your plugin in action, a test data generator can be a valuable tool. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a test data generator for your WordPress plugin.

Why Use a Test Data Generator?

There are a few reasons why you might want to use a test data generator for your WordPress plugin. First, it can be helpful for testing purposes. If you’re trying to track down a bug in your plugin, having a way to quickly generate a bunch of test data can be a lifesaver. Second, a test data generator can be used to create a demo of your plugin. This can be helpful if you’re creating a plugin that’s meant to be used with a specific theme or piece of software. By generating a bunch of test data, you can create a realistic demo that potential users can check out.

How to Create a Test Data Generator

Creating a test data generator for your WordPress plugin is actually pretty simple. The first thing you’ll need to do is install and activate the Theme Check plugin. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to create a new file in your plugin’s directory. The file should be named “theme-check.php” and it should contain the following code:

Plugin Name: Theme Check
Plugin URI:
Description: A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices.
Author: Otto
Version: 1.0
Author URI:

// Include the file that contains the test data generator class.
include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/theme-check-class.php';

// Instantiate the class.
$theme_check = new Theme_Check();

// Run the tests.

This code does a few things. First, it includes the file that contains the test data generator class. This file is where all the magic happens. Next, it instantiates the class. Finally, it runs the tests. The test data generator class is pretty simple. It looks like this:

class Theme_Check {

public function __construct() {

add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu_item' ) );


public function add_menu_item() {

'Theme Check',
'Theme Check',
array( $this, 'render_page' )


public function render_page() {

echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<h1>Theme Check</h1>';

// Get the test data.
$test_data = $this->get_test_data();

// Loop through the test data and output the results.
foreach ( $test_data as $result ) {

echo '<h2>' . $result['title'] . '</h2>';
echo '<p>' . $result['message'] . '</p>';


echo '</div>';


public function get_test_data() {

// This is where you'll generate your test data.



As you can see, the class is pretty simple. It has a few methods that handle things like adding a menu item and rendering the page. The bulk of the work is done in the get_test_data() method. This is where you’ll generate your test data. How you generate your test data is up to you. You could hard-code it, or you could use a tool like Mockaroo to generate it for you. Once you have your test data, you can simply loop through it and output the results on the page.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to create a test data generator for your WordPress plugin. While a test data generator can be helpful for testing purposes, it can also be used to create a demo of your plugin. If you’re looking for an easy way to generate test data, we recommend using the Mockaroo tool. Do you have any questions about how to create a test data generator for your WordPress plugin? Let us know in the comments section below.

Assuming you have a plugin with the following structure:

Plugin Root
| |-my-plugin-file.php
| |-my-plugin-admin-page.php
| |-my-plugin-settings.php
| |-css
| | |-my-plugin.css
| |-js
| | |-my-plugin.js
| |-images
| |-my-plugin-image.png
| |-my-plugin-admin.php

The first thing you need to do is create a new directory in the plugin root called “tests”. In this directory, you will create a file called “test-data-generator.php”.

The purpose of this file is to generate test data for your plugin. This data can be used to test the functionality of your plugin, or to demo the plugin to potential users.

The test data generator should be able to generate the following types of data:

-Custom post types

The test data generator should be able to generate a specified number of each type of data. For example, if you want to generate 100 posts, the generator should be able to do so.

The test data generator should be able to generate data with the following attributes:

-Status (published, draft, etc)
-Visibility (public, private, password-protected)
-Custom fields

The test data generator should be able to generate data with random or specific values for each attribute. For example, you should be able to specify that all posts have the same title, or that all posts have a random title.

The test data generator should be able to save the generated data to a file. This file can then be imported into WordPress using the WordPress importer tool.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress XML format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress development site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress JSON format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress production site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress SQL format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress development site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress CSV format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress production site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress YAML format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress development site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress Excel format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress production site.

The test data generator should be able to generate data in the WordPress PDF format. This format can be used to generate data for a WordPress development site.