Creating a Plugin Conflict Detection System

Posted on 16th June 2023


As a WordPress plugin developer, you may be asked to create a conflict detection system for your plugin. A conflict detection system is used to identify conflicts between plugins, themes, and other software that may cause errors or unexpected behavior. In this article, we will discuss how to create a conflict detection system for a WordPress plugin.

What is a Conflict?

A conflict is when two or more plugins, themes, or other software are incompatible with each other and cause errors or unexpected behavior. For example, if Plugin A and Plugin B both use the same function name, one of the plugins will not work properly. Another example of a conflict is when Plugin A uses a different version of jQuery than Plugin B. If Plugin A is not compatible with the version of jQuery that Plugin B is using, Plugin A will not work properly.

How to Detect Conflicts

There are a few different ways to detect conflicts between plugins, themes, and other software. The most common way to detect a conflict is to use a try/catch block. A try/catch block is a piece of code that will try to execute a piece of code and if it fails, it will catch the error and display it. For example, if Plugin A is not compatible with the version of jQuery that Plugin B is using, the try/catch block will catch the error and display it.

Another way to detect conflicts is to use a debug_backtrace() function. The debug_backtrace() function will display a list of all the files that are currently being executed. This can be useful to see if there are any files that are being included twice or if there are any files that are not being included at all. To use the debug_backtrace() function, you will need to add the following code to your plugin:

function my_plugin_conflict_detection() {

$debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();

foreach ( $debug_backtrace as $key => $value ) {

    if ( $value['function'] == 'my_plugin_function' ) {

        echo 'Conflict detected in ' . $value['file'] . ' on line ' . $value['line'];




add_action( 'init', 'my_plugin_conflict_detection' );

The debug_backtrace() function will return an array of all the files that are currently being executed. The foreach loop will loop through all the values in the array. If the function key is equal to my_plugin_function, it will echo a message saying that a conflict was detected and exit. You will need to replace my_plugin_function with the name of your plugin’s function.

How to Prevent Conflicts

There are a few different ways to prevent conflicts between plugins, themes, and other software. The most common way to prevent a conflict is to use the is_plugin_active() function. The is_plugin_active() function will check to see if a plugin is active. If the plugin is not active, it will not be loaded. For example, if Plugin A is not compatible with the version of jQuery that Plugin B is using, the is_plugin_active() function will prevent Plugin A from being loaded.

Another way to prevent conflicts is to use the load_plugin() function. The load_plugin() function will load a plugin only if it is not already loaded. For example, if Plugin A is not compatible with the version of jQuery that Plugin B is using, the load_plugin() function will prevent Plugin A from being loaded.


In this article, we have discussed how to create a conflict detection system for a WordPress plugin. We have also discussed how to detect and prevent conflicts between plugins, themes, and other software.

The plugin conflict detection system is designed to help you identify and resolve plugin conflicts. To use the system, first install the plugin Conflict Detective. Once the plugin is installed and activated, go to Tools ยป Conflict Detective. The plugin will scan your site and look for potential conflicts. If any are found, they will be displayed on the screen.

To resolve a conflict, click on the “Resolve” button next to the conflict. The plugin will then attempt to resolve the conflict by deactivating the conflicting plugins and activating the compatible ones. If the conflict cannot be resolved, the plugin will provide you with instructions on how to manually resolve the conflict.

In some cases, you may need to manually edit the code of the conflicting plugins to resolve the conflict. The plugin will provide you with instructions on how to do this.

It is important to note that the plugin conflict detection system is not perfect. In some cases, the plugin may not be able to detect a conflict. In other cases, the plugin may incorrectly identify a conflict. If you are unsure whether a conflict exists, it is always best to contact the plugin developer for assistance.

The plugin conflict detection system is designed to help you find and resolve plugin conflicts. It does this by scanning your website for plugins that are causing conflicts and then providing you with information on how to resolve the conflicts.

The plugin conflict detection system is available for free on the WordPress website. To use it, simply install and activate the plugin. Once activated, the plugin will scan your website for conflicts and provide you with information on how to resolve them.

The plugin conflict detection system is a valuable tool for any WordPress user. If you are having trouble with plugin conflicts, I highly recommend that you install and use this plugin.

Creating a Plugin Conflict Detection System

In the previous article, we looked at how to create a plugin conflict detection system using the WordPress hooks API. In this article, we will extend that system to include a “Conflict” tab on the plugin admin pages.

When a plugin is activated, it should check for conflicts with other plugins and display a warning on the plugin’s admin page if a conflict is detected. The warning should include a link to the conflict detection system’s documentation.

When a plugin is deactivated, it should remove any warnings from the plugin’s admin page.

The conflict detection system should also be able to handle plugin updates. When a plugin is updated, the system should check for conflicts with the new version of the plugin and display a warning on the plugin’s admin page if a conflict is detected.

This system will help to ensure that plugin developers are aware of any conflicts their plugin may have with other plugins and will help to prevent plugin users from experiencing conflicts between plugins.