Building an Interactive Product Recommendation System with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

Building an Interactive Product Recommendation System with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

In this article, we’ll show you how to build an interactive product recommendation system using ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. We’ll cover how to:

1. Install and activate ChatGPT PHP.

2. Create a custom plugin to integrate ChatGPT PHP with your WordPress site.

3. Configure the plugin to display product recommendations in a chat window.

4. Train the chatbot to recommend products based on user input.

5. Test the product recommendation system.

6. Deploy the custom plugin on your WordPress site.

Installing and Activating ChatGPT PHP

The first step is to install and activate the ChatGPT PHP plugin. You can do this by searching for “ChatGPT PHP” in the WordPress plugin repository and clicking “Install Now”.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to create a custom plugin to integrate ChatGPT PHP with your WordPress site.

Creating a Custom Plugin

In your custom plugin, you’ll need to include the following code to load the ChatGPT PHP library:

This code will check if the ChatGPT PHP plugin is active and, if it is, load the library.

Configuring the Plugin

Once the ChatGPT PHP library is loaded, you’ll need to configure the plugin to display product recommendations in a chat window.

To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to your custom plugin:

This code will configure the plugin to display product recommendations in a chat window.

Training the Chatbot

Once the plugin is configured, you’ll need to train the chatbot to recommend products based on user input.

To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to your custom plugin:


‘I need a new pair of shoes’,

‘I’m looking for a new pair of shoes’,

‘I want to buy a new pair of shoes’,


‘intent’ => ‘recommend_product’,

‘entities’ => array(

‘product_type’ => ‘shoes’,



return $train;



This code will train the chatbot to recommend products based on the user’s input. In this example, the chatbot will recommend products based on the user’s input of “I need a new pair of shoes”.

Testing the Product Recommendation System

Once the chatbot is trained, you’ll need to test the product recommendation system.

To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to your custom plugin:

‘I need a new pair of shoes’,

‘intent’ => ‘recommend_product’,

‘entities’ => array(

‘product_type’ => ‘shoes’,



return $test;



This code will test the chatbot’s ability to recommend products based on the user’s input of “I need a new pair of shoes”.

Deploying the Custom Plugin

Once the product recommendation system is tested and working, you’ll need to deploy the custom plugin on your WordPress site.

To do this, you’ll need to upload the plugin to your WordPress site and activate it.

You can do this by going to the “Plugins” page in the WordPress admin panel and clicking “Add New”.

On the “Add New” page, click “Upload Plugin” and select the plugin file from your computer.

Once the plugin is uploaded and activated, you’ll need to go to the “Settings” page in the WordPress admin panel and click “ChatGPT PHP”.

On the “ChatGPT PHP” page, you’ll need to enter your ChatGPT PHP API key. You can find this key in the “API Keys” section of your ChatGPT PHP account.

Once you’ve entered your API key, click “Save Changes”.

Your product recommendation system is now up and running!

In this second part, we’ll continue building our interactive product recommendation system by adding a chatbot interface using the ChatGPT PHP SDK. We’ll add a new function to our custom WordPress plugin that will allow users to ask the chatbot questions about products and receive recommendations based on their answers.

To start, we’ll need to install the ChatGPT PHP SDK. You can find instructions on how to do this in the ChatGPT PHP SDK documentation.

Once the SDK is installed, we can start adding the chatbot interface to our plugin. We’ll start by adding a new function to our plugin that will initialize the chatbot. This function will take two arguments: the first is the question the user wants to ask the chatbot, and the second is an array of possible product recommendations.

function chatbot_init( $question, $recommendations ) {

// first, we’ll create a new instance of the ChatGPT PHP SDK class

$chatbot = new ChatGPT();

// next, we’ll set up the chatbot by passing in our question and recommendations

$chatbot->setup( $question, $recommendations );

// finally, we’ll return the chatbot object so we can use it in our plugin

return $chatbot;


Now that we have our chatbot_init() function, we can use it to initialize the chatbot in our plugin. We’ll do this by adding a new shortcode to our plugin. This shortcode will take two arguments: the first is the question the user wants to ask the chatbot, and the second is an array of possible product recommendations.

function chatbot_shortcode( $atts ) {

// first, we’ll extract the shortcode attributes

extract( shortcode_atts( array(

‘question’ => ”,

‘recommendations’ => ”,

), $atts ) );

// next, we’ll initialize the chatbot using our chatbot_init() function

$chatbot = chatbot_init( $question, $recommendations );

// finally, we’ll return the chatbot HTML so it can be displayed on the page

return $chatbot->getHTML();


add_shortcode( ‘chatbot’, ‘chatbot_shortcode’ );

Now that we have our chatbot shortcode set up, we can use it to add the chatbot to any page or post on our WordPress site. Simply add the [chatbot] shortcode to the content of any page or post, and the chatbot will be displayed.

We can also pass in the question and recommendations attributes to our shortcode. For example, if we wanted to ask the chatbot about product recommendations for a new blog, we could use the following shortcode:

[chatbot question=”I’m starting a new blog. What products do you recommend?” recommendations=”Product A, Product B, Product C”]

That’s all there is to adding a chatbot interface to your WordPress site! With just a few lines of code, you can add an interactive product recommendation system that can help your users find the perfect products for their needs.