Building a Question-Answering System with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

4-5 times throughout the article

In this article, we’ll show you how to build a simple question-answering system using ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. We’ll cover the basics of how to set up your development environment, how to integrate ChatGPT PHP into your plugin, and how to deploy your plugin to a WordPress site.

Setting up your development environment

To get started, you’ll need to set up a development environment that includes PHP and a WordPress development site. If you don’t already have PHP installed, you can download it from the PHP website.

Once you have PHP installed, you’ll need to set up a WordPress development site. You can do this locally using a tool like XAMPP or MAMP, or you can use a service like WP Engine.

Once you have your development environment set up, you’ll need to install the ChatGPT PHP library. You can do this using Composer:

composer require chatgpt/chatgpt

Integrating ChatGPT PHP into your plugin

Now that you have your development environment set up and the ChatGPT PHP library installed, you’re ready to start integrating ChatGPT PHP into your plugin.

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a new file in your plugin’s directory called chatgpt.php. In this file, you’ll need to include the following code:


This code will load the ChatGPT PHP library and create a new instance of the Chatgpt class. You’ll need to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual ChatGPT API key.

Next, you’ll need to create a new file called question-answering.php in your plugin’s directory. In this file, you’ll need to include the following code:


$answer = $chatgpt->getAnswer();

echo $answer;

This code will load the chatgpt.php file and create a new instance of the Chatgpt class. Then, it will ask the Chatgpt instance a question and store the answer in a variable. Finally, it will print the answer to the screen.

Deploying your plugin to a WordPress site

Once you’ve completed your plugin, you’re ready to deploy it to a WordPress site. To do this, you’ll need to upload your plugin’s files to your WordPress site’s plugins directory.

Once your plugin is uploaded, you’ll need to activate it. You can do this from the WordPress admin panel by going to the Plugins page and clicking the “Activate” link for your plugin.

Once your plugin is activated, you’ll be able to use it on your WordPress site.

In the previous article, we built a question-answering system with ChatGPT PHP in a custom WordPress plugin. In this article, we will extend the plugin to add a new features:

1. We will add a new question type: “Yes/No” questions.

2. We will add a new answer type: “Multiple Choice” answers.

3. We will add a new question-answering strategy: “Eliza” strategy.

4. We will add a new feature to the plugin: the ability to save and load chat sessions.

Yes/No Questions

We will start by adding support for “Yes/No” questions. To do this, we will need to add a new question type to the plugin. We will call this question type “YNQuestion”.

The YNQuestion class will extend the Question class. It will add a new member variable, $answer, which will be set to either “Yes” or “No”. It will also override the getAnswer() method to return the value of $answer.

Multiple Choice Answers

Next, we will add support for “Multiple Choice” answers. To do this, we will need to add a new answer type to the plugin. We will call this answer type “MultipleChoiceAnswer”.

The MultipleChoiceAnswer class will extend the Answer class. It will add a new member variable, $choices, which will be an array of strings. It will also override the getAnswer() method to return a random element from $choices.

Eliza Strategy

Finally, we will add a new question-answering strategy: the “Eliza” strategy. The Eliza strategy is a simple chatbot strategy that involves matching patterns of input with pre-defined responses.

To implement the Eliza strategy, we will need to create a new class, ElizaStrategy, which extends the Strategy class. ElizaStrategy will have a member variable, $responses, which is an array of Response objects. Each Response object has a “pattern” member variable and a “response” member variable.

When the ElizaStrategy::answerQuestion() method is called, it will loop through the $responses array and try to find a Response object whose “pattern” member variable matches the question text. If a match is found, the “response” member variable of the Response object will be returned as the answer. Otherwise, the ElizaStrategy::answerQuestion() method will return the text “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

Saving and Loading Chat Sessions

The final new feature we will add to the plugin is the ability to save and load chat sessions. This will allow users to save their chat sessions and resume them at a later time.

To implement this feature, we will need to add two new methods to the ChatGPT PHP class: save() and load(). The save() method will take a filename as an argument and will save the chat session to the file. The load() method will take a filename as an argument and will load the chat session from the file.


In this article, we have extended the ChatGPT PHP plugin to add support for “Yes/No” questions, “Multiple Choice” answers, and the “Eliza” chatbot strategy. We have also added the ability to save and load chat sessions.

Building a Question-Answering System with ChatGPT PHP in a Custom WordPress Plugin

Now that we have our question-answering system set up, we can start building our WordPress plugin. We’ll create a new plugin file called chatgpt-qa.php and add the following code to it:

Plugin Name: ChatGPT Q&A
Plugin URI:
Description: A question-answering system for WordPress
Version: 1.0
Author: chatgpt
Author URI:
License: GPL2

function chatgpt_qa_init() {
//load our chatbot class
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class-chatbot.php' );

//instantiate our chatbot
$chatbot = new Chatbot();

//add our chatbot to the list of question-answering systems
add_qa_system( $chatbot );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'chatgpt_qa_init' );

function chatgpt_qa_question_form() {
//the form to ask a question
$form = '


echo $form;

//add our question form to the question-answering page
add_action( ‘qa_page’, ‘chatgpt_qa_question_form’ );

function chatgpt_qa_process_question() {
//process the question
$question = $_POST[‘question’];

//get the answer from our chatbot
$answer = chatbot_answer( $question );

//display the answer
echo ‘


echo $answer;

//hook our question-processing function to the ‘qa_answer’ action
add_action( ‘qa_answer’, ‘chatgpt_qa_process_question’ );


We start by defining a plugin header at the top of our file, which tells WordPress some basic information about our plugin. Next, we create a function called chatgpt_qa_init() that loads our chatbot class and instantiates our chatbot object. We then add our chatbot to the list of question-answering systems.

Next, we create a function called chatgpt_qa_question_form() that outputs a form for asking a question. This form is added to the question-answering page by the add_action() function.

Finally, we create a function called chatgpt_qa_process_question() that processes a question and displays the answer. This function is hooked to the ‘qa_answer’ action by the add_action() function.

Now that our plugin is complete, we can activate it and test it out!