Building a Podcast Player Plugin for WordPress

Posted on 16th June 2023


WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that helps you easily create and manage your website or blog. One of the great things about WordPress is that it’s highly extensible – you can easily add new features to your site by installing plugins.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a podcast player plugin for WordPress. This plugin will allow you to easily embed podcasts on your WordPress site, and provide your visitors with a great user experience.

We’ll cover the following topics in this tutorial:

  • Creating a WordPress plugin
  • Registering a podcast feed
  • Fetching and parsing podcast data
  • Displaying podcast episodes
  • Playing podcast episodes

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a working podcast player plugin that you can use on your own WordPress site.

Creating a WordPress Plugin

The first thing we need to do is create a new WordPress plugin. WordPress plugins arePHP files that extend the functionality of WordPress.

To create a new plugin, create a new directory in the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation. For this tutorial, we’ll call our plugin simple-podcast-player.

In the new plugin directory, create a new file called simple-podcast-player.php. This will be the main plugin file.

In the plugin file, we need to include a plugin header. The plugin header is a comment block at the top of the plugin file that provides information about the plugin, such as the plugin name, author, version, etc.

Here’s an example plugin header:

 * Plugin Name: Simple Podcast Player
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: A simple podcast player plugin for WordPress
 * Version: 1.0
 * Author: John Doe
 * Author URI:
 * License: GPL2

Be sure to replace the information in the plugin header with your own.

Next, we need to register our plugin with WordPress. To do this, we’ll use the register_activation_hook() and register_deactivation_hook() functions.

The register_activation_hook() function allows us to specify a function to be run when our plugin is activated. The register_deactivation_hook() function allows us to specify a function to be run when our plugin is deactivated.

We’ll use these functions to register our plugin with WordPress. Here’s an example of how to use these functions:

function simple_podcast_player_activate() {
  // code to run when plugin is activated
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'simple_podcast_player_activate' );

function simple_podcast_player_deactivate() {
  // code to run when plugin is deactivated
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'simple_podcast_player_deactivate' );

In the code above, we’ve defined two functions: simple_podcast_player_activate() and simple_podcast_player_deactivate(). These functions will be run when our plugin is activated and deactivated, respectively.

You can put any code you want in these functions. For this tutorial, we’ll just use these functions to register our plugin with WordPress.

Registering a Podcast Feed

The first thing we need to do in our plugin is allow the user to specify a podcast feed. A podcast feed is an XML file that contains information about a podcast, such as the podcast title, author, description, etc.

Most podcasts have a website that contains a link to their podcast feed. For example, the website for the popular podcast Serial is If you look at the source code for this website, you’ll see a link to the podcast feed:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Serial Podcast" href="" />

We need to provide a way for the user to specify this link in our plugin. We can do this by adding a settings page to our plugin.

A settings page is a page where the user can specify options for a plugin. For our plugin, we’ll add a settings page with a single field where the user can specify the link to the podcast feed.

First, we need to register our settings page with WordPress. We can do this by using the add_options_page() function. This function allows us to add a new page to the WordPress admin area.

Here’s an example of how to use the add_options_page() function:

function simple_podcast_player_options_page() {
  // code to generate settings page
add_options_page( 'Simple Podcast Player Options', 'Simple Podcast Player', 'manage_options', 'simple-podcast-player', 'simple_podcast_player_options_page' );

In the code above, we’ve defined a function called simple_podcast_player_options_page(). This function will be responsible for generating the HTML for our settings page.

We’ve also used the add_options_page() function to register our settings page with WordPress. The first argument is the page title, the second argument is the menu title, the third argument is the capability required to access the page, the fourth argument is the slug for the page, and the fifth argument is the function to call to generate the page.

Next, we need to actually create the settings page. We’ll do this by defining the simple_podcast_player_options_page() function.

This function will use the WordPress settings API to generate a form for our settings page. The WordPress settings API is a set of functions that allows us to easily create forms and save form data to the WordPress database.

First, we need to register our settings. We can do this by using the register_setting() function. This function allows us to specify the name of our setting, the function to sanitize our setting, and the function to validate our setting.

We’ll register our setting with the following code:

function simple_podcast_player_register_setting() {
  register_setting( 'simple_podcast_player_options', 'simple_podcast_player_feed_url' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'simple_podcast_player_register_setting' );

In the code above, we’ve defined a function called simple_podcast_player_register_setting(). This function uses the register_setting() function to register our setting.

We’ve also registered our function with the admin_init action hook. This hook is run when the WordPress admin area is initialized. This ensures that our function is run when the admin area is loaded, and our setting is registered.

Now that our setting is registered, we need to add a form field for our setting. We can do this by using the add_settings_field() function. This function allows us to add a form field to a settings page.

Here’s an example of how to use the add_settings_field() function:

function simple_podcast_player_render_setting() {
  // code to render form field
add_settings_field( 'simple_podcast_player_feed_url', 'Podcast Feed URL', 'simple_podcast_player_render_setting', 'simple-podcast-player', 'simple_podcast_player_section' );

In the code above, we’ve defined a function called simple_podcast_player_render_setting(). This function is responsible for rendering the form field for our setting.

We’ve also used the add_settings_field() function to add our form field to the settings page. The first argument is the setting name, the second argument is the field label, the third argument is the function to render the field, the fourth argument is the page slug, and the fifth argument is the settings section.

Next, we need to actually create the form field. We’ll do this by