Building a Language Translation Tool with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 20th June 2023

Building a Language Translation Tool with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

In this article we’re going to show you how to build a language translation tool using ChatGPT PHP. This tool will allow you to easily translate your WordPress site into any language.

We’ll start by creating a new WordPress plugin. We’ll call our plugin “Translation Tool”. In our plugin we’ll create a new file called “translation-tool.php”.

In our translation-tool.php file we’ll first need to include the ChatGPT PHP library. We can do this by downloading the ChatGPT PHP library and extracting it into our plugin’s directory.

Next we’ll need to create a function to register our translation tool with WordPress. We’ll do this by adding the following code to our translation-tool.php file:

function translation_tool_init() {
// Include the translation tool class.
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘translation-tool.php’ );

// Register the translation tool with WordPress.
$translation_tool = new Translation_Tool();

add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘translation_tool_init’ );

In our translation_tool_init() function we first include the translation tool class. We then create a new translation tool object and register it with WordPress.

Next we need to create the translation tool class. We’ll do this in a new file called “translation-tool.php”.

In our translation tool class we’ll first need to define some class constants. We’ll use these constants to set the default language and the default translation engine.

Next we’ll need to create a constructor for our class. In our constructor we’ll set the default language and translation engine.

We’ll also need to create a translate() method. This method will take a string of text and translate it into the default language.

Finally, we’ll need to register our translation tool with WordPress. We can do this by adding the following code to our translation-tool.php file:

function translation_tool_init() {
// Include the translation tool class.
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘translation-tool.php’ );

// Register the translation tool with WordPress.
$translation_tool = new Translation_Tool();

add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘translation_tool_init’ );

In our translation_tool_init() function we first include the translation tool class. We then create a new translation tool object and register it with WordPress.

Once our plugin is registered with WordPress we can start using it.

To use our plugin we’ll first need to create a new instance of the Translation_Tool class. We can do this by adding the following code to our translation-tool.php file:

$translation_tool = new Translation_Tool();

Next we’ll need to call the translate() method. This method will take a string of text and translate it into the default language.

We can then use the translated text in our WordPress site.

And that’s all there is to it! With just a few lines of code you can easily add language translation capabilities to your WordPress site.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to build a language translation tool with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin. This tool will allow you to automatically translate your WordPress content into different languages.

Why Use a Translation Plugin?

There are a few reasons you might want to use a translation plugin for your WordPress site.

  • If you have a multilingual website, you’ll need a way to automatically translate your content into different languages. A translation plugin can help you do this.
  • A translation plugin can also help you reach a wider audience. For example, if you have a website in English, you can use a translation plugin to automatically translate your content into Spanish, French, or any other language. This will help you reach a larger audience.
  • Finally, a translation plugin can help you save time. If you have a lot of content on your website, it can be time-consuming to manually translate it all into different languages. A translation plugin can automate this process and save you a lot of time.

How to Use the Translation Plugin

Using the translation plugin is easy. First, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. Then, you’ll need to create a new translation.

To do this, click on the “Add New Translation” button on the plugin’s main page.

Next, you’ll need to select the source language and the target language. You can also select the translation method.

There are two translation methods: “Google Translate” and “Microsoft Translate”. Both methods are free to use.

Finally, you’ll need to enter the text you want to translate and click on the “Translate” button.

The translated text will appear in the target language. You can then save the translation and use it on your website.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to build a language translation tool with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin. This tool will allow you to automatically translate your WordPress content into different languages.

7. Integrating the Plugin with Your WordPress Site

Now that we have our PHP translation tool completed, let’s integrate it into a WordPress plugin. This will allow us to easily add the functionality to any WordPress site.

7.1. Creating the Plugin

First, we need to create a new folder for our plugin. We’ll call it “translation-tool”. Inside this folder, create a new PHP file and call it “translation-tool.php”.

Next, we’ll need to add some code to the top of our translation-tool.php file. This will create a new WordPress plugin.

add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘translation_tool_register’ );

Let’s break down this code. First, we have the plugin header. This is required for all WordPress plugins. It tells WordPress some basic information about our plugin, like the name, description, version, and author.

Next, we have a security check. This line of code will exit the script if it’s accessed directly. We don’t want anyone to be able to access our plugin file directly.

After that, we’re including the Translation_Tool class file. This is the file we created in the previous section. We need to include it so we can use it in our plugin.

Finally, we’re registering our Translation_Tool class with WordPress. This will make our translation tool available to use on our WordPress site.

7.2. Adding the Shortcode

Now that our plugin is created, we need to add a shortcode to use it. Shortcodes are a way to add content or functionality to a WordPress post or page.

To add a shortcode, we’ll need to modify our Translation_Tool class. Open the translation-tool.php file and add the following code to the Translation_Tool class:

public function register() {
add_shortcode( ‘translation_tool’, array( $this, ‘translation_tool_shortcode’ ) );

public function translation_tool_shortcode( $atts ) {
// Parse the shortcode attributes
$atts = shortcode_atts(
‘from’ => ‘en’,
‘to’ => ‘es’,

// Get the text to translate
$text = isset( $_POST[‘text’] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[‘text’] ) : ”;

// Translate the text
$translation = $this->translate( $text, $atts[‘from’], $atts[‘to’] );

// Return the translation
return $translation;

Let’s break down this code. First, we’re adding a new function called register(). This function will register our shortcode with WordPress.

Next, we’re adding a new function called translation_tool_shortcode(). This function will handle the translation when our shortcode is used.

Inside the translation_tool_shortcode() function, we’re parsing the shortcode attributes. This will allow us to specify the from and to language codes when we use the shortcode.

After that, we’re getting the text to translate. This text will come from a form that we’ll create later.

Then, we’re translating the text using our translate() function. We’re passing in the text to translate, as well as the from and to language codes.

Finally, we’re returning the translation. This will be displayed on the front-end of our WordPress site.

7.3. Adding the Form

Now that we have our shortcode registered, we need to add a form to our WordPress site. This form will allow visitors to enter the text they want to translate.

To add the form, we’ll need to modify our Translation_Tool class again. Open the translation-tool.php file and add the following code to the Translation_Tool class:

public function translation_tool_form() {
// Check if the form has been submitted
if ( isset( $_POST[‘submit’] ) ) {
// Get the translated text
$translation = do_shortcode( ‘[translation_tool]’ );

// Return the translation
return $translation;

// Get the current URL

// Get the from and to language codes
$from = isset( $_GET[‘from’] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET[‘from’] ) : ‘en’;
$to = isset( $_GET[‘to’] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET[‘to’] ) : ‘es’;

// Build the form
$form = ‘


// Return the form
return $form;

Let’s break down this code. First, we’re adding a new function called translation_tool_form(). This function will display the form on our WordPress site.

Inside the translation_tool_form() function, we’re checking if the form has been submitted. If it has, we’re running our shortcode to get the translated text.

Then, we’re getting the current URL. We need this so we can submit the form to the same page.

After that, we’re getting the from and to language codes. These will be used to populate the form fields.

Next, we’re building the form HTML. This HTML will create a form with fields for the text to translate, as well as the from and to language codes.

Finally, we’re returning the form HTML. This will be displayed on the front-end of our WordPress site.

7.4. Adding the Template Tag

In addition to our shortcode, we’re also going to add a template tag to our WordPress plugin. Template tags are PHP functions that can be used in your WordPress theme template files.

To add the template tag, we’ll need to modify our Translation_Tool class one more time. Open the translation-tool.php file and add the following code to the Translation_Tool class:

public function translation_tool_template_tag( $atts ) {
// Parse the shortcode attributes
$atts = shortcode_atts(
‘from’ => ‘en’,
‘to’ => ‘es’,

// Get the text to translate
$text = isset( $_POST[‘text’] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[‘text’] ) : ”;

// Translate the text
$translation = $this->translate( $text, $atts[‘from’], $atts[‘to’] );

// Return the translation
return $translation;

This code is very similar to the code we used for our short