How to Use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11

Posted on 18th June 2023


The Importance Matrix is a tool in Microsoft To Do that helps you prioritize your tasks. It allows you to see which tasks are most important and urgent, so you can focus on them first.

How to Use the Importance Matrix

To use the Importance Matrix, first open Microsoft To Do. Then, click on the “Tasks” tab at the top of the screen. Next, click on the “Importance Matrix” tab.

The Importance Matrix is divided into four quadrants: Important and Urgent, Important but Not Urgent, Not Important but Urgent, and Not Important and Not Urgent. Tasks are sorted into these quadrants based on their due date and importance.

To prioritize your tasks, start with the tasks in the Important and Urgent quadrant. These are the tasks that are most important and need to be done first. Once you’ve completed the tasks in this quadrant, move on to the tasks in the Important but Not Urgent quadrant. These tasks are still important, but they can be done later.

The tasks in the Not Important but Urgent quadrant can be delegated or postponed. These tasks are not as important as the other tasks on your list, so you can decide to do them later or ask someone else to do them.

Finally, the tasks in the Not Important and Not Urgent quadrant can be deleted from your list. These tasks are not important and don’t need to be done at all.


The Importance Matrix is a tool that can help you prioritize your tasks. It allows you to see which tasks are most important and urgent, so you can focus on them first. By starting with the tasks in the Important and Urgent quadrant, you can ensure that you’re completing the most important tasks first.

The Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11 is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and prioritize your tasks. Here’s how to use it:

1. How to Use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11

The first thing you need to do is open the Microsoft To Do app on your Windows 11 PC. Then, click on the “hamburger menu” in the top-left corner of the app and select “Importance Matrix.”

Microsoft To Do Importance Matrix

This will open the Importance Matrix interface. On the left, you will see a list of all of your tasks. On the right, you will see a matrix with four quadrants: “Important & Urgent,” “Important & Not Urgent,” “Not Important & Urgent,” and “Not Important & Not Urgent.”

To prioritize your tasks, you need to drag and drop them into the appropriate quadrant. For example, a task that is “Important & Urgent” would go into the top-left quadrant, while a task that is “Not Important & Not Urgent” would go into the bottom-right quadrant.

Once you have prioritized your tasks, you can then start working on them by clicking on the task in the matrix and then clicking the “Start” button.

2. How to Use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11

The Importance Matrix is a great way to prioritize your tasks, but it can also be used to track your progress. To do this, simply click on the task in the matrix and then click the “Track Progress” button.

This will open a new window where you can track your progress on the task. You can set a goal for the task, and then track your progress over time.

You can also add notes to the task, and even attach files. This is a great way to keep all of your information in one place and make sure that you are on track with your task.

3. How to Use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11

Once you have completed a task, you can then mark it as “Complete” by clicking on the task in the matrix and then clicking the “Complete” button.

You can also add a note to the task, and even attach a file. This is a great way to keep all of your information in one place and make sure that you are on track with your task.

4. How to Use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11

The Importance Matrix is a great way to manage and prioritize your tasks. By drag and dropping your tasks into the appropriate quadrants, you can easily see which tasks are “Important & Urgent,” “Important & Not Urgent,” “Not Important & Urgent,” or “Not Important & Not Urgent.”

You can also use the matrix to track your progress on a task, and even add notes and attachments. This is a great way to keep all of your information in one place and make sure that you are on track with your task.

Assuming you have a list of tasks in a spreadsheet, you can use the Importance Matrix in Microsoft To Do on Windows 11 to help you prioritize those tasks.

To use the Importance Matrix, first open the spreadsheet in Microsoft To Do. Then, click the “Importance Matrix” button on the toolbar.

A new window will open, showing the Importance Matrix. By default, the tasks will be sorted by importance, with the most important tasks at the top.

You can re-sort the tasks by clicking on the column headers. For example, you can click on the “Due Date” header to sort the tasks by their due date.

To add a task to the Importance Matrix, click the “Add Task” button. A new window will open, where you can enter the task’s details.

When you’re done, click the “Add Task” button. The task will be added to the Importance Matrix.

You can also add subtasks to a task by clicking the “Add Subtask” button. A new window will open, where you can enter the subtask’s details.

When you’re done, click the “Add Subtask” button. The subtask will be added to the task.

You can view the details of a task by clicking on it. The task’s details will be shown in a new window.

To mark a task as complete, click the “Mark as Complete” button. The task will be moved to the “Completed” section of the Importance Matrix.

To delete a task, click the “Delete” button. The task will be permanently deleted from the Importance Matrix.