Creating a Plugin Auto Update System for WordPress

Posted on 18th June 2023

As a WordPress plugin developer, you may have been asked how to create an auto-update system for your plugins. An auto-update system allows your plugin users to update their plugins without having to manually download the new versions and install them.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create a plugin auto-update system for WordPress. This system will work for both free and premium plugins.

Why You Need an Auto-Update System for WordPress Plugins?

WordPress plugins are great because they allow you to add new features and extend the functionality of your WordPress site. However, they also need to be updated regularly.

New versions of WordPress are released every few months. These new versions may contain security fixes, new features, or other changes that could affect your plugins. As a plugin developer, it is your responsibility to make sure that your plugins are compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

If you don’t have an auto-update system for your WordPress plugins, then your users will have to manually update their plugins every time a new version of WordPress is released. This can be a hassle for your users, and it may even cause some of them to stop using your plugins.

With an auto-update system, your WordPress plugins can automatically update themselves whenever a new version of WordPress is released. This ensures that your plugins are always compatible with the latest version of WordPress, and it makes it easier for your users to keep their plugins up-to-date.

How to Create an Auto-Update System for WordPress Plugins

The first thing you need to do is create a file called “update.php” in the root directory of your WordPress plugin. This file will be responsible for checking for new versions of your plugin and updating the plugin if a new version is found.

version, $current_version, “>”)){

return $plugin_info->version;


return false;


function update_plugin($new_version){

$zip_url = “{$new_version}.zip”;

$temp_file = download_url($zip_url);

$plugin_dir = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__);

$unzip_result = unzip_file($temp_file, $plugin_dir);


//Update the version number in the main plugin file

$plugin_file = $plugin_dir.”your-plugin-slug.php”;

$plugin_contents = file_get_contents($plugin_file);

$plugin_contents = str_replace(“Version: “.$current_version, “Version: “.$new_version, $plugin_contents);

file_put_contents($plugin_file, $plugin_contents);




In this file, we first define the current version of our plugin. We then use the check_for_new_version() function to check for a new version of our plugin. If a new version is found, we use the update_plugin() function to download and install the new version.

The check_for_new_version() function uses the WordPress Plugin API to check for a new version of our plugin. If a new version is found, it returns the new version number. Otherwise, it returns false.

The update_plugin() function downloads the new plugin ZIP file from It then unzips the file and replaces the existing plugin files with the new ones. Finally, it updates the version number in the main plugin file.

That’s it!

You now have a fully functioning auto-update system for your WordPress plugins. Your users will no longer have to manually update their plugins, and they will always be using the latest version of your plugin.

Creating a Plugin Auto Update System for WordPress


In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple auto-update system for WordPress plugins. This system will allow your plugin to check if a new version is available, and if so, update itself. This is a great way to keep your plugin up-to-date, and make sure that your users always have the latest version.

Step 1: Create the Plugin File

First, we need to create a new plugin file. For this tutorial, we will call it “wp-auto-update.php”.

Step 2: Add the Plugin Header

Next, we need to add the plugin header. This is the information that WordPress will use to identify your plugin. Add the following code to your plugin file:

// Plugin Name: WP Auto Update

Step 3: Check if the User Can Manage Options

Before we can continue, we need to check if the current user has the “manage_options” capability. This capability is required in order to update the plugin. Add the following code to your plugin file:

if( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ){
wp_die( __( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.' ) );

Step 4: Get the Current and Remote Versions

Now we need to get the current and remote versions of your plugin. The current version is the version that is currently installed on the WordPress site. The remote version is the latest version of your plugin that is available. Add the following code to your plugin file:

// Get the current version of your plugin
$current_version = get_option( 'your_plugin_version' );

// Get the remote version of your plugin
$remote_version = wp_remote_get( '' );

Step 5: Update the Plugin

If a new version is available, we need to update the plugin. Add the following code to your plugin file:

if ( $remote_version !== $current_version ) {
update_option( 'your_plugin_version', $remote_version );

Step 6: Activate the Plugin

Now that our plugin is complete, we need to activate it. Go to the “Plugins” page in the WordPress admin area, and activate your plugin.


In this tutorial, we have created a simple auto-update system for WordPress plugins. This system will allow your plugin to check if a new version is available, and if so, update itself. This is a great way to keep your plugin up-to-date, and make sure that your users always have the latest version.