Customizing WordPress Theme Readability

Posted on 18th June 2023

The readability of a WordPress theme is important for two reasons. First, it can help improve the experience for your site’s visitors. Second, it can make your theme more accessible to a wider range of people.

There are a few things you can do to customize the readability of your WordPress theme. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most effective methods for improving readability.

Use Clear and Concise Fonts

One of the most important things you can do to improve readability is to use clear and concise fonts. Avoid using intricate or ornate fonts that are difficult to read. Instead, opt for simple fonts that are easy on the eyes.

There are a few different ways you can change the fonts in your WordPress theme. If you’re using a pre-made theme, you may be able to change the fonts from the theme options panel.

If you’re creating a custom WordPress theme, you can change the fonts in the CSS. Simply add the following code to your theme’s stylesheet:

body {

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;


You can also use a WordPress plugin to change the fonts in your theme. The Google Fonts plugin is a good option for adding custom fonts to your WordPress site.

Choose a Readable Color Scheme

The color scheme you choose for your WordPress theme can also impact readability. Avoid using colors that are difficult to read, such as light text on a dark background. You should also avoid using too many colors in your color scheme.

It’s best to stick with a simple color scheme that uses two or three colors. You can use a light background with dark text or vice versa. Just make sure the colors you choose are easy on the eyes.

You can change the colors in your WordPress theme by modifying the CSS. Simply find the color code you want to change and replace it with a new color code.

Increase the Line Height

Another way to improve readability is to increase the line height. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text.

If the line height is too small, it can make the text difficult to read. Conversely, if the line height is too large, it can make the text look scattered and disorganized.

You can change the line height in your WordPress theme by modifying the CSS. Simply add the following code to your theme’s stylesheet:

body {

line-height: 1.5;


You can also use a WordPress plugin to change the line height. The WP Readability plugin is a good option for adding custom line heights to your WordPress site.

Add Plenty of White Space

White space is an important part of readability. The more white space you have in your WordPress theme, the easier it will be for people to read the text.

You can add white space to your WordPress theme by modifying the CSS. Simply add the following code to your theme’s stylesheet:

body {

margin: 0 auto;

padding: 0 20px;


You can also use a WordPress plugin to add white space. The White Space plugin is a good option for adding custom white space to your WordPress site.

Use Bullet Points and Subheadings

Bullet points and subheadings can also help improve readability. They provide a way to break up the text and make it easier to scan.

You can add bullet points and subheadings in your WordPress theme by modifying the HTML. Simply add the following code to your theme’s template files:

  • First item
  • Second item


Improving the readability of your WordPress theme can help improve the experience for your site’s visitors. It can also make your theme more accessible to a wider range of people.

There are a few different ways you can improve the readability of your WordPress theme. In this article, we covered some of the most effective methods.

A good WordPress theme should be easy to read.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your theme is readable.

First, use a sans-serif font for your body text. Sans-serif fonts are easier to read on screens.

Second, use a large font size for your body text. 16px is a good size to start with.

Third, use a high contrast color scheme for your text and background. Black text on a white background is the easiest to read.

Fourth, use plenty of white space in your design. Give your content room to breath.

Fifth, use short and descriptive titles for your blog posts and pages. This will make it easy for people to scan your content and find what they’re looking for.

Finally, make sure your theme is responsive. This means it will look good on all screen sizes, from mobile phones to desktop computers.

By following these simple tips, you can make sure your WordPress theme is readable and user-friendly.

Customizing WordPress Theme Readability

1. Use a Readability Plugin

There are a number of great plugins available that can help you customize your WordPress theme to make it more readable. The WP Readability plugin is one option that can help you improve the readability of your theme by adding a simple toolbar that allows you to adjust the font size, line height, and other settings.

2. Choose a Readable Font

One of the most important things you can do to improve the readability of your WordPress theme is to choose a font that is easy to read. Some fonts are more difficult to read than others, so it’s important to choose one that will be easy for your visitors to read. Arial, Verdana, and Times New Roman are all good choices.

3. Use Large Font Sizes

Another important factor in readability is font size. If your font is too small, it will be difficult for visitors to read. Conversely, if your font is too large, it will make your text look unprofessional. A good rule of thumb is to use a font size that is between 12 and 14px.

4. Use High Contrast Colors

The colors you use on your website can also affect the readability of your text. It’s important to use high contrast colors, such as black on white, to make sure your text is easy to read.

5. Use Short Paragraphs

When writing your content, it’s important to use short paragraphs. Long paragraphs can be difficult to read, so it’s important to keep them short and sweet. A good rule of thumb is to keep your paragraphs to no more than three or four sentences.

6. Use Bulleted or Numbered Lists

Lists are a great way to break up your content and make it easier to read. Bulleted lists are easy to scan, and numbered lists can be helpful for outlining steps or instructions.

7. Use Subheadings

Subheadings can be a great way to break up your content and make it easier to read. By using subheadings, you can give your readers a quick overview of what each section of your content is about.

8. Use Images

Images can also be a great way to break up your content and make it more visually appealing. Adding images to your content can help to break up long blocks of text and make your content more visually appealing.

9. Use White Space

White space is important for readability. Be sure to add plenty of white space around your content to make it easier on the eyes.

10. Proofread Your Content

Last but not least, it’s important to proofread your content before you publish it. Typos and grammatical errors can make your content difficult to read, so it’s important to take the time to proofread it before you publish it.