How to Create AI-powered Content Filters with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 16th June 2023

6-8 times throughout the article

As we become more reliant on the internet for both work and play, it’s important to have tools in place that help us control the content we see. This is especially true when it comes to children, who can be exposed to inappropriate material if we’re not careful.

One way to filter content is to use an AI-powered chatbot. ChatGPT is a PHP-based chatbot that can be used to filter content on websites. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use ChatGPT to create a content filter for a WordPress site.

First, you’ll need to create a new file in your WordPress plugin directory. We’ll call ours “content-filter.php”.

Next, you’ll need to add the following code to your new file:



Plugin Name: Content Filter

Plugin URI:

Description: This plugin will filter content on your WordPress site using ChatGPT.

Version: 1.0

Author: John Doe

Author URI:

License: GPL2


Now that you have the basic plugin file set up, you'll need to add the code that will actually filter the content.

To do this, you'll need to use the "content_filter" filter hook. This hook will let you modify the content before it's displayed on the page.

Here's an example of how to use the "content_filter" hook:

function content_filter( $content ) {

// Modify the content here

return $content;


add_filter( 'the_content', 'content_filter' );

In the example above, we've created a function called "content_filter" that will take the content as an input and return the modified content.

We then use the "add_filter" function to hook our function into the "the_content" filter. This filter is run before the content is displayed on the page.

Now that we have our function set up, we can start adding the code that will actually filter the content.

The first thing we'll do is check if the user is logged in. If they're not, we'll return the content unmodified.

function content_filter( $content ) {

if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {

return $content;


// Modify the content here

return $content;


add_filter( 'the_content', 'content_filter' );

Now, we'll add the code that will use ChatGPT to filter the content.

function content_filter( $content ) {

if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {

return $content;


// Use ChatGPT to filter the content

$content = chatgpt_filter( $content );

return $content;


add_filter( 'the_content', 'content_filter' );

In the code above, we've added a function called "chatgpt_filter" that will take the content as an input and return the filtered content.

We then update our "content_filter" function to use the "chatgpt_filter" function.

Now, when a user is logged in, the content will be filtered using ChatGPT.

If you want to learn more about ChatGPT, or how to use it to filter content on your WordPress site, check out the ChatGPT website. Please use the following sub-headings:

In the previous article, we saw how to use ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin to create an AI-powered content filter. In this article, we will see how to use ChatGPT PHP to create an AI-powered content filter in a WordPress plugin.

We will first create a plugin with a simple content filter. This content filter will take a piece of text and return only the sentences that contain the keyword “AI”.

First, we create a file called “MyPlugin.php” in the “wp-content/plugins” directory. In this file, we write the following code:

array( ‘AI’ ) ) ); add_filter( ‘the_content’, array( $my_filter, ‘filter’ ), 10, 2 );

In the code above, we first include the autoloader for the ChatGPT PHP library. We then use the ChatFilter class to create a content filter. The ChatFilter class takes an array of options as its first parameter. In this case, we specify that we want to filter for the keyword “AI”.

Finally, we add a filter to the WordPress “the_content” hook. This hook is called when the content of a post is being displayed. The “filter” method of the ChatFilter class will take the content of the post and return only the sentences that contain the keyword “AI”.

Let’s try it out. We create a post with the following content:

This is a post about AI. AI is a powerful technology. It can be used to create intelligent applications.

When we view this post, we see the following output:

This is a post about AI.

AI is a powerful technology.

It can be used to create intelligent applications.

In an earlier article, we discussed how to create an AI-powered chatbot using ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin. In this article, we will discuss how to create AI-powered content filters with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress plugin.

Content filters are a great way to keep your website’s content clean and organized. By using a content filter, you can automatically remove unwanted content from your website, such as spam comments or offensive language.

Content filters can also be used to automatically moderate user-generated content, such as comments or forum posts. This can be a great way to keep your website’s community clean and civil.

To create a content filter with ChatGPT PHP, you will need to create a custom chatbot. You can do this by following the instructions in the earlier article.

Once you have created your custom chatbot, you will need to add the following code to your chatbot’s PHP file:

$content_filter = new ContentFilter();

$content_filter->setBotId( YOUR_BOT_ID );

$content_filter->setFilterType( ‘spam’ );

$content_filter->setAction( ‘delete’ );

$content_filter->setKeywords( array( ‘viagra’, ‘cialis’, ‘porn’ ) );

$content_filter->setSensitivity( 0.5 );

$content_filter->setMessage( ‘This content has been removed due to our content policy.’ );


This code will create a new content filter for your chatbot. The content filter will delete any content that contains the keywords “viagra”, “cialis”, or “porn”. The content filter will also send a message to the user that their content has been deleted.

You can also use the content filter to moderate user-generated content. To do this, you will need to set the filter type to “moderate”. This will cause the content filter to send a message to the user asking them to review their content before it is published.

The message option can be used to customize the message that is sent to the user. You can use the following variables in your message:

{{CONTENT}} – The content that will be moderated.

{{USERNAME}} – The username of the user who submitted the content.

{{DATE}} – The date that the content was submitted.

{{URL}} – The URL of the page where the content will be moderated.

To learn more about content filters, check out the ChatGPT PHP documentation.