WordPress Plugin Development
If you’re a WordPress plugin developer, you might be interested in adding a “Pin It” button to your plugin. This would let your users share your plugin on Pinterest, which could lead to more downloads and exposure for your plugin. In this article, we’ll show you how to add a Pinterest “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin.
Pinterest Pin It
Pinterest has a “Pin It” button that you can add to your website or blog. This button lets visitors share images from your website on Pinterest. You can add the “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin by following these steps:
- Go to the Pinterest “Pin It” button page and click the “Get the Code” button.
- In the “Choose Image” drop-down, select the image that you want to use for your “Pin It” button. You can also select the “Image URL” option and enter the URL of the image that you want to use.
- In the “Pin Description” field, enter a description of your plugin. This description will be used when someone pins your plugin on Pinterest.
- Click the “Generate Code” button.
- Copy the code that’s generated and paste it into your WordPress plugin.
That’s all you need to do to add a “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin. If you want to learn more about adding social media buttons to your WordPress plugin, check out our tutorial on the subject.
Integrating Pinterest Pin It Button in WordPress Plugin
Adding a “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin is a great way to increase traffic to your website and encourage users to share your content. Here’s how to add a “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin:
1. Install and activate the WordPress Social Sharing Plugin.
2. Go to the plugin’s settings page and click on the “Share Buttons” tab.
3. Find the “Pinterest” share button and drag it into the “Enabled Buttons” area.
4. Configure the button’s settings as desired.
5. Save your changes.
Now when users visit your site, they will see a “Pin It” button next to your content. When they click on the button, a pop-up window will appear with a pre-populated message and a link to your content. All they need to do is click “Pin It” and their followers will see your content in their feed.
If you want more control over where the “Pin It” button appears on your site, you can use the shortcode [pinit] . This will add a “Pin It” button only to the specific post or page where you place the shortcode.
Adding a “Pin It” button to your WordPress plugin is a great way to increase traffic and encourage users to share your content. Follow the steps above to add a “Pin It” button to your plugin and start getting more exposure for your site today.
Integrating Pinterest Pin It Button in WordPress Plugin
Pinterest has quickly become one of the most popular social networking and bookmarking sites.
As a result, many WordPress plugin and theme developers have begun to integrate the “Pin It” button into their products.
The “Pin It” button allows users to quickly and easily share an image from your site on Pinterest.
In this article, we will show you how to add the “Pin It” button in WordPress using a plugin.
Why Use a Plugin?
While there are some WordPress themes that come with the “Pin It” button integrated, not all themes have this feature.
In addition, the “Pin It” button is not available on all images by default.
For example, you may have images in your WordPress posts that you want people to be able to share on Pinterest, but the “Pin It” button is not visible.
Or, you may want the “Pin It” button to appear on hover instead of always being visible.
Using a plugin is the easiest way to add the “Pin It” button in WordPress. It is also the most flexible solution as it allows you to customize where and how the button appears.
Installing and Configuring the Plugin
First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Pin It Button On Image Hover And Post plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.
Once the plugin is activated, you need to visit Settings » WP Pin It to configure the plugin settings.
On the plugin settings page, you will find the following options:
General Settings
The first option under general settings is to select the post types where you want the “Pin It” button to be visible. By default, the button will be visible on all post types.
You can also choose to display the button on WooCommerce products.
Next, you need to select the image sizes where you want the “Pin It” button to be visible. By default, the button will be visible on all image sizes. However, you can choose to display the button only on medium, large, or full-size images.
You can also add a custom CSS class to the “Pin It” button.
Button Settings
The next section allows you to customize the appearance of the “Pin It” button.
You can start by choosing the position of the button. It can be fixed to the top left, top right, bottom left, or bottom right corner of the image.
You can also add some space between the button and the image using the top and left spacing options.
The next option allows you to select the shape of the button. It can be rectangular or circular.
Then you can choose to use the default “Pin It” button or upload your own button image.
If you are using your own button image, then you need to enter the height and width of the image.
The next option allows you to display the “Pin It” button on image hover. By default, the button will be visible all the time. However, you can choose to show the button only when users hover over the image.
Advanced Settings
The advanced settings section allows you to further customize the “Pin It” button.
The first option allows you to add the Pinterest “nopin” attribute to images. This attribute tells Pinterest not to allow users to pin that image.
If you do not want the “Pin It” button to be visible on certain images, then you can add the class “nopin” to those images. You can add multiple classes separated by space.
The next option allows you to disable the “Pin It” button on specific posts or pages.
If you want to disable the “Pin It” button on a specific post or page, then you need to enter the post or page ID in the disable field. You can add multiple IDs separated by comma.
The last option in this section allows you to add custom CSS to the plugin. This is useful if you want to make further changes to the appearance of the “Pin It” button.
Save Changes
Once you are done configuring the plugin settings, you need to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.
That’s it!
You have now successfully added the “Pin It” button in WordPress. You can now go to your website and see the “Pin It” button on images.
If you want even more control over how and where the “Pin It” button appears, then you can check out our guide on how to add the “Pin It” button in WordPress manually.
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