How to Create a New Document in Adobe Illustrator

Posted on 21st June 2023

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If you’re starting a new project in Adobe Illustrator, you’ll need to create a new document. Here’s how to do it.

Open Adobe Illustrator. You’ll see a welcome screen with various project templates. If you don’t see the welcome screen, go to File > New.

Click on the “Create new” button in the center of the screen.

A new window will open. Here, you can choose the width, height, and units of measurement for your document.

For the width and height, you can enter either the exact dimensions or a range. For example, if you enter “8-10,” your document will be between 8 and 10 inches wide or tall (depending on which dimension you’re changing).

Choose the orientation of your document. You can create a portrait or landscape document.

Select the number of artboards. Artboards are like separate pages in a document, and you can have up to 100 of them.

Click on the “Advanced” button to set up more options for your document, such as the color mode, raster effects, and transparency grid.

When you’re finished, click on the “Create” button.

Your new document will open in Adobe Illustrator.

To create a new document in Adobe Illustrator, open the Welcome screen and click on the “Create new” button, or go to File > New.

In the New Document dialog box, you can specify the following options:

Name: Enter a name for your document.

Width and Height: Enter the width and height of your document. You can enter values in inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, picas, or pixels.

Orientation: Choose whether you want your document to be in portrait or landscape orientation.

Color Mode: Choose the color mode for your document. The options are RGB, CMYK, LAB, or Grayscale.

Resolution: Enter a resolution for your document. The options are 72 PPI, 150 PPI, 300 PPI, or Other.

Units: Choose the units of measurement for your document. The options are Inches, Centimeters, Millimeters, Points, Picas, or Pixels.

Advanced Options: Click this button to open the Advanced Options dialog box, where you can specify the following options:

Alignment: Choose how you want objects to be aligned when they’re placed in your document. The options are Pixel Grid, Smart Guides, or None.

New Document Profile: Choose a document profile. The options are Basic RGB, Web, Print, Rich Black, or Custom.

Raster Effects: Choose the resolution for raster effects. The options are 72 PPI, 150 PPI, 300 PPI, or Other.

Transparency Grid: Choose whether you want a transparency grid to be displayed in your document. The options are Yes or No.

Click the “Create” button to create your document.

In Adobe Illustrator, creating a new document is simple. You can either go to File > New, or use the keyboard shortcut Command + N (Mac) or Control + N (Windows).

When you create a new document, you’ll be asked to specify the Width and Height of the canvas, as well as the Resolution. The Width and Height are self-explanatory – they determine the size of your document. The Resolution determines the pixel density of the document, and is measured in Pixels per Inch (ppi).

Higher resolutions will result in a sharper image, but will also increase the file size. For most purposes, a resolution of 72 ppi is sufficient.

Once you’ve specified the Width, Height, and Resolution, you can click on the “Advanced” button to specify additional options.

The first option is the Color Mode. The most common color modes are RGB and CMYK. RGB is used for digital display purposes, such as on a website or computer screen. CMYK is used for printing purposes.

The next option is the Background Color. This is the color that will be used for the background of your document. By default, the background color is white, but you can change it to any color you like.

The next option is the Raster Effects. Raster effects are the way that bitmap images are represented in vector form. The default setting is “Screen (72 ppi)”, which is fine for most purposes. If you’re working with high-resolution images, you may want to change this setting to “High Resolution”.

The last option is the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid. This setting is only relevant if you’re working with pixel-based images. If you’re not sure what this means, you can leave it turned off.

Once you’ve specified all the options, you can click on the “Create” button to create your new document.

When you’re ready to create a new document in Adobe Illustrator, open the “File” menu and select “New.” This will open the New Document dialog box.

In the New Document dialog box, you’ll need to specify the width and height of your new document. You can also specify the units of measurement that you want to use. The default units are inches, but you can also use picas, centimeters, or millimeters.

Next, you’ll need to specify the resolution of your new document. The resolution is the number of pixels per inch (ppi) in your image. The higher the resolution, the more detail your image will have. However, higher resolutions also take up more disk space and may take longer to print.

Finally, you’ll need to specify the color mode of your new document. The color mode determines the number of colors that can be used in your image. The most common color modes are RGB and CMYK. RGB images can contain up to 16 million colors, while CMYK images can contain up to 4 colors.

Once you’ve specified all of the options for your new document, click “OK” to create the document.

Creating a new document in Adobe Illustrator is easy and only takes a few steps. Follow the steps below to create your own document.

Step One: Open Adobe Illustrator

The first thing you need to do is open Adobe Illustrator on your computer. Once it is open, you will see the Welcome Screen.

Step Two: Click on “Create New”

Once you are on the Welcome Screen, click on the “Create New” button in the middle of the screen.

Step Three: Choose Your Settings

After you click on “Create New”, you will see a new window pop up called “New Document”. Here, you can choose the settings for your new document, such as the width, height, and number of artboards. Choose the settings that you want and then click on the “Create” button.

Step Four: Start Creating!

Once you click on the “Create” button, your new document will be created and you can start creating your masterpiece!