How to Implement Image Gallery Lightbox in WordPress

Posted on 20th June 2023

Lightbox is a feature that allows visitors to your WordPress site to view images in a larger format by clicking on them. It is a popular way to display images and is often used in conjunction with a gallery plugin.

There are a number of lightbox plugins available for WordPress, but in this article we will focus on the Image Gallery Lightbox plugin. This plugin is available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Installing the Plugin

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin. You can do this from the Plugins page of your WordPress admin panel.

Once the plugin is activated, you will need to create a new gallery. To do this, go to the Add New page and select the Gallery post type.

Adding Images to Your Gallery

Now that you have created a gallery, you can start adding images to it. To do this, go to the Media Library and select the images you want to add.

Once you have selected the images, click on the Add to Gallery button.

Configuring the Plugin

The Image Gallery Lightbox plugin has a number of settings that you can configure. To access these settings, go to the Gallery Settings page.

The first setting is the Lightbox Theme. This setting allows you to choose the theme that will be used for the lightbox. The available themes are Light, Dark, and Default.

The next setting is the Lightbox Size. This setting allows you to choose the size of the lightbox. The available sizes are Small, Medium, Large, and Fullscreen.

The next setting is the Lightbox Transition. This setting allows you to choose the transition that will be used when opening and closing the lightbox. The available transitions are Fade, Slide, and None.

The next setting is the Lightbox Overlay Opacity. This setting allows you to choose the opacity of the overlay. The available opacities are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0.

The next setting is the Lightbox Animation Speed. This setting allows you to choose the speed of the animation. The available speeds are Slow, Medium, and Fast.

The next setting is the Lightbox Loop. This setting allows you to choose whether the lightbox will loop or not. The available options are Yes and No.

The next setting is the Lightbox Auto Close. This setting allows you to choose whether the lightbox will close automatically or not. The available options are Yes and No.

The next setting is the Lightbox Close On Overlay Click. This setting allows you to choose whether the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked or not. The available options are Yes and No.

The next setting is the Lightbox Close On Esc Key. This setting allows you to choose whether the lightbox will close when the Esc key is pressed or not. The available options are Yes and No.

The next setting is the Lightbox Image Titles. This setting allows you to choose whether the image titles will be displayed or not. The available options are Yes and No.

The final setting is the Lightbox Image Captions. This setting allows you to choose whether the image captions will be displayed or not. The available options are Yes and No.

Once you have configured the settings, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes.

Adding the Gallery to Your Posts and Pages

Once you have created and configured your gallery, you can add it to your posts and pages. To do this, edit the post or page where you want to add the gallery and click on the Add Gallery button.

A popup window will appear where you can select the gallery you want to add. Once you have selected the gallery, click on the Insert Gallery button.

The gallery will be added to your post or page.


In this article, we have shown you how to implement an image gallery lightbox in WordPress. We have also shown you how to configure the plugin and add the gallery to your posts and pages.

Assuming you have WordPress installed and activated on your server, you can begin by creating a new post or page where you would like to add your image gallery. On the post editor screen, click on the Add Media button located just above the content editor. This will launch the WordPress media uploader popup. You can either upload the images from your computer or use existing image files from the media library.

Once the images are uploaded, you can select multiple images at once and then click on the Insert into post button. WordPress will now embed the image gallery into your post or page.

To implement the lightbox effect, you will need to install and activate the WP Featherlight plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will automatically add the necessary lightbox code to your image gallery. You can now visit your website to see the image gallery in action. If you click on any image, it will open up in a lightbox popup with navigation controls.

You can also add a caption to each image in the gallery. To do this, click on the edit icon in the top left corner of the image and then enter your caption in the text area that appears.

You can now save your changes and preview your image gallery with lightbox effect.

Assuming you have set up your WordPress site and have installed the Image Gallery Lightbox plugin, you are now ready to implement your gallery.

To do this, create a new post or page in WordPress and insert your images into the post. Once your images are inserted, click on the ‘Gallery’ icon in the WordPress editor.

This will bring up the gallery settings. Here you can choose the layout of your gallery, the size of your images, and how many columns you would like. Once you have decided on your settings, click ‘Insert Gallery’.

Your gallery will now appear in your post or page. To view your gallery in a lightbox, simply click on one of the images.

And that’s all there is to it! With the Image Gallery Lightbox plugin, creating lightbox galleries in WordPress is a breeze.