How to Apply Colors and Gradients in Affinity Designer

Posted on 20th June 2023

How to Apply Colors and Gradients in Affinity Designer

Colors and gradients are two powerful tools that can add a lot of depth and interest to your designs in Affinity Designer. Here’s a quick guide on how to apply them to your work.

Applying Colors

There are two ways to apply colors in Affinity Designer: the first is to use the color picker, and the second is to use the color panel.

To use the color picker, simply click on the color you want to use and then click on the object you want to color. To use the color panel, first make sure that the “Color” layer is selected in the “Layers” panel. Then, click on the color you want to use in the color panel and click on the object you want to color.

Applying Gradients

There are two ways to apply gradients in Affinity Designer: the first is to use the gradient tool, and the second is to use the gradient panel.

To use the gradient tool, simply click and drag on the object you want to apply the gradient to. To use the gradient panel, first make sure that the “Gradient” layer is selected in the “Layers” panel. Then, click on the gradient you want to use in the gradient panel and click on the object you want to apply the gradient to.

Colors and gradients are an important part of any design, and knowing how to apply them correctly can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your work. In Affinity Designer, there are a few different ways to apply colors and gradients to your objects.

One way is to use the fill and stroke panels. To access these, simply click on the object you want to color in the workspace and then go to the fill or stroke panel in the right sidebar. From here, you can either select a color from the palette or use the color picker to choose your own. You can also add gradients by clicking on the gradient tool in the toolbar and then clicking and dragging on the object.

Another way to apply colors and gradients is through the use of layer styles. Layer styles are a great way to add multiple colors and gradients to an object without having to create multiple layers. To access the layer styles panel, simply click on the object you want to style in the workspace and then go to the layer styles panel in the right sidebar. From here, you can add a variety of different effects, including color overlays, gradients, and more.

Finally, you can also use the color picker tool to select colors from anywhere on your screen. To do this, simply click on the color picker tool in the toolbar and then click and drag it over the area you want to sample. The color will be added to your palette so you can use it in your design.

Knowing how to apply colors and gradients in Affinity Designer can help you create more polished and professional-looking designs. Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for your particular project. Please use tags for links, for images and tags for important words.

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to apply colors and gradients in Affinity Designer.

We’ll start by creating a new document and adding some shapes to it. Then we’ll apply colors to those shapes using the color picker tool.

Next, we’ll learn how to create gradients using the gradient tool. We’ll also learn how to apply gradients to shapes.

Finally, we’ll learn how to save our work so that we can share it with others or use it in other applications.

Let’s get started!

Creating a New Document

To create a new document in Affinity Designer, open the File menu and click New.

This will open the New Document dialog box.

In the New Document dialog box, you can specify the width, height, and resolution of your document.

For this tutorial, we’re going to create a document that is 1000 pixels wide and 1000 pixels high.

You can also specify the color mode of your document. The color mode determines how colors are represented in your document.

For this tutorial, we’re going to choose the RGB color mode.

When you’re finished, click the Create button.

Adding Shapes to the Document

Now that we have a new document, let’s add some shapes to it.

To do this, we’re going to use the ellipse tool.

To select the ellipse tool, click and hold on the rectangle tool in the toolbar. A menu will appear with a list of different shape tools.

Click on the ellipse tool to select it.

Now that we have the ellipse tool selected, let’s add a circle to our document.

To do this, click and drag on the canvas. As you drag, you’ll see a preview of the circle that you’re creating.

When you’re happy with the size of the circle, release the mouse button.

You should now see a circle on the canvas.

To add another circle, click and drag on the canvas again.

You can continue to add circles until you have a design that you’re happy with.

Applying Colors

Now that we have some shapes in our document, let’s apply colors to them.

To do this, we’re going to use the color picker tool.

To select the color picker tool, click and hold on the pencil tool in the toolbar. A menu will appear with a list of different tools.

Click on the color picker tool to select it.

Now that we have the color picker tool selected, let’s use it to apply a color to our shapes.

To do this, click on the first circle. This will open the color picker dialog box.

In the color picker dialog box, you can choose from a variety of colors.

For this tutorial, we’re going to choose the color red.

When you’re finished, click the OK button.

You should now see that the first circle is filled with the color red.

To apply a color to the other circles, click on each one and choose a color from the color picker dialog box.

When you’re finished, your document should look something like this:

Creating Gradients

In addition to solid colors, you can also fill shapes with gradients.

A gradient is a transition between two or more colors.

To create a gradient, we’re going to use the gradient tool.

To select the gradient tool, click and hold on the color picker tool in the toolbar. A menu will appear with a list of different tools.

Click on the gradient tool to select it.

Now that we have the gradient tool selected, let’s use it to create a gradient.

To do this, click and drag on the canvas. As you drag, you’ll see a preview of the gradient that you’re creating.

When you’re happy with the gradient, release the mouse button.

You should now see a gradient on the canvas.

To add another gradient, click and drag on the canvas again.

You can continue to add gradients until you have a design that you’re happy with.

Applying Gradients to Shapes

In addition to creating gradients, you can also apply them to shapes.

To do this, we’re going to use the gradient tool.

To select the gradient tool, click and hold on the color picker tool in the toolbar. A menu will appear with a list of different tools.

Click on the gradient tool to select it.

Now that we have the gradient tool selected, let’s use it to apply a gradient to our shapes.

To do this, click on the first circle. This will open the gradient dialog box.

In the gradient dialog box, you can choose from a variety of gradients.

For this tutorial, we’re going to choose the gradient “Red to Blue”.

When you’re finished, click the OK button.

You should now see that the first circle is filled with the gradient “Red to Blue”.

To apply a gradient to the other circles, click on each one and choose a gradient from the gradient dialog box.

When you’re finished, your document should look something like this:

Saving Your Work

Now that we have our colors and gradients applied, let’s save our work.

To do this, open the File menu and click Save.

This will open the Save As dialog box.

In the Save As dialog box, you can choose where you want to save your document and what format you want to save it in.

For this tutorial, we’re going to save our document as a PNG file.

When you’re finished, click the Save button.

Your document should now be saved as a PNG file.


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to apply colors and gradients in Affinity Designer.

We’ve started by creating a new document and adding some shapes to it. Then we’ve applied colors to those shapes using the color picker tool.

Next, we’ve learned how to create gradients using the gradient tool. We’ve also learned how to apply gradients to shapes.

Finally, we’ve learned how to save our work so that we can share it with others or use it in other applications.