How to Build an AI-powered Blog Post Generator with ChatGPT PHP

Posted on 16th June 2023

The following is an example of how to build an AI-powered blog post generator with ChatGPT PHP.

If you’re a WordPress user, then you know that creating blog posts can sometimes be a tedious task. But what if there was a way to automate the process of creating blog posts, using artificial intelligence (AI)?

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to do just that, by building an AI-powered blog post generator with ChatGPT PHP.

We’ll start by creating a simple PHP script that will be used to generate the blog posts. Then, we’ll integrate ChatGPT into the script, so that it can generate the content for the posts.

Finally, we’ll create a WordPress plugin that will make it easy to use the script from within the WordPress admin interface.

Creating the PHP Script

The first thing we need to do is create the PHP script that will be used to generate the blog posts. We’ll start by creating a file called “generate-posts.php” in the “chatgpt” directory.

In this file, we’ll include the following code:

setApiKey( ‘ YOUR_API_KEY ‘ );

$chatgpt->setModel( ‘ blogpost ‘ );

$chatgpt->setMaxLength( 1000 );

$chatgpt->setPrompt( ‘ Enter a topic for your blog post: ‘ );



This code includes the ChatGPT PHP library, sets the API key, model, maximum length, and prompt, and then calls the generate() method. This will cause ChatGPT to generate a blog post on the given topic.

Integrating ChatGPT into the Script

Now that we have the basic script set up, we need to integrate ChatGPT into it. We’ll do this by calling the chat() method, which will return the generated blog post as a string.

We’ll add the following code to the “generate-posts.php” file:

$post_content = $chatgpt->chat();

echo $post_content;

This code will call the chat() method and store the generated blog post in the $post_content variable. It will then echo the contents of the variable, which will output the generated blog post.

Creating the WordPress Plugin

Now that we have the script set up, we need to create a WordPress plugin that will make it easy to use from within the WordPress admin interface.

We’ll start by creating a file called “chatgpt-posts.php” in the “chatgpt” directory. In this file, we’ll include the following code:



Plugin Name: ChatGPT Posts

Plugin URI:

Description: A plugin that allows you to generate blog posts with ChatGPT

Version: 1.0

Author: John Doe

Author URI:

License: GPLv2


function chatgpt_posts_menu() {


'ChatGPT Posts',

'ChatGPT Posts',








add_action( 'admin_menu', 'chatgpt_posts_menu' );

function chatgpt_posts_page() {

if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

wp_die( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.' );


echo '


echo ‘

ChatGPT Posts


echo ‘

This plugin allows you to generate blog posts with ChatGPT


echo ‘




This code creates a WordPress plugin that adds a “ChatGPT Posts” menu item to the WordPress admin interface. When the menu item is clicked, it will display a page with the title “ChatGPT Posts” and a description of the plugin.

Adding the Generate Posts Functionality

Now that we have the basic plugin set up, we need to add the functionality to generate the blog posts. We’ll do this by adding a form to the plugin page, which will allow the user to enter a topic for the blog post.

We’ll add the following code to the “chatgpt-posts.php” file:

function chatgpt_posts_page() {

if ( ! current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {

wp_die( ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.’ );


echo ‘


echo ‘

ChatGPT Posts


echo ‘

This plugin allows you to generate blog posts with ChatGPT


echo ”;

echo ‘

echo ‘


echo ”;

echo ”;

echo ‘



This code adds a form to the plugin page, with a text field for the topic of the blog post. When the form is submitted, the topic will be posted to the “generate-posts.php” script, which will generate the blog post.

Displaying the Generated Post

Now that we have the form set up, we need to add the code to display the generated blog post. We’ll do this by adding a conditional statement to the “chatgpt-posts.php” file, which will check if the form has been submitted.

If the form has been submitted, the code will call the “generate-posts.php” script and display the generated blog post.

We’ll add the following code to the “chatgpt-posts.php” file:

function chatgpt_posts_page() {

if ( ! current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {

wp_die( ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.’ );


echo ‘


echo ‘

ChatGPT Posts


echo ‘

This plugin allows you to generate blog posts with ChatGPT


if ( isset( $_POST[‘topic’] ) ) {

$topic = $_POST[‘topic’];

$post_content = file_get_contents( ‘ generate-posts.php?topic= ‘ . urlencode( $topic ) );

echo ‘

‘ . $topic . ‘

‘ ;

echo $post_content;

} else {

echo ”;

echo ‘

echo ‘


echo ”;

echo ”;


echo ‘



This code checks if the form has been submitted. If it has, it calls the “generate-posts.php” script and displays the generated blog post. If not, it displays the form.

Adding the Shortcode

Now that we have the plugin set up, we need to add a shortcode that will allow us to embed the generated blog post in a post or page. We’ll do this by adding the following code to the “chatgpt-posts.php” file:

function chat