Tips for Better Low-Light Photography on iPhone 14

Posted on 20th June 2023

1. Use Night Mode

One of the best features of the iPhone 14 is its Night mode feature, which allows you to take great photos in low-light conditions without using a flash. Simply open the Camera app and swipe to Night mode. Then point your camera at your subject and tap the shutter button. The iPhone 14 will automatically adjust the shutter speed, ISO, and white balance to create a beautiful low-light photo.

2. Use a Tripod or Other Support

If you don’t have Night mode available, or if you want to capture a long exposure, you’ll need to use a tripod or other support to keep your iPhone 14 still while the shutter is open. This is because the iPhone 14’s camera sensor is much larger than the sensors in previous iPhone models, which means that it can gather more light but is also more susceptible to camera shake. To take a long exposure, open the Camera app and swipe to the Time-Lapse mode. Then press and hold the shutter button to start the exposure. The iPhone 14 will automatically adjust the shutter speed to capture the perfect amount of light.

3. Use the 2x Optical Zoom

The iPhone 14’s camera also features a 2x optical zoom, which can be helpful in low-light conditions. To use the 2x optical zoom, open the Camera app and swipe to the 2x zoom mode. Then point your camera at your subject and tap the shutter button. The iPhone 14 will automatically zoom in and take a photo at the 2x zoom level.

4. Use the LED Flash

If you’re in a really low-light situation, you can use the LED flash to help your camera gather more light. Simply open the Camera app and swipe to the Flash mode. Then point your camera at your subject and tap the shutter button. The iPhone 14’s LED flash will fire and help your camera take a better photo.

5. Use the HDR Setting

The HDR setting on the iPhone 14 can also be helpful in low-light photography. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and it essentially takes multiple photos at different exposures and combines them into one photo. This can be helpful in low-light conditions because it can help your camera gather more light. To use the HDR setting, open the Camera app and swipe to the HDR mode. Then point your camera at your subject and tap the shutter button. The iPhone 14 will take multiple photos and combine them into one HDR photo.

6. Take a Lot of Photos

Another helpful tip for low-light photography is to take a lot of photos. This is because the more photos you take, the more likely you are to get a good photo. So, if you’re in a low-light situation, take as many photos as you can and then choose the best one later. This is especially helpful if you’re using Night mode or the HDR setting, as these modes can take a few seconds to capture a photo.

7. Edit Your Photos

Finally, don’t forget that you can always edit your photos to make them look better. There are a number of editing apps available for the iPhone, and you can use them to improve the contrast, brightness, and saturation of your photos. So, if you’re not happy with a photo you took in low-light conditions, don’t hesitate to edit it to make it look better.

7. Use a tripod

If you want to avoid blurry photos, using a tripod is always a good idea. This is especially true in low-light situations, when your shutter speed will be slower and any movement will be magnified.

8. Use a self-timer or remote shutter release

Another way to avoid blurriness is to use a self-timer or remote shutter release, so you don’t have to touch the camera at all when taking the photo.

9. Use Live Photo mode

Live Photo mode is a great way to add a little bit of motion to your photos, and it can be particularly effective in low-light situations. By default, the iPhone will only capture a Live Photo when there’s enough light, but you can force it to always capture Live Photos by going to Settings > Camera > Preserve Settings and turning on the Live Photo switch.

10. Use portrait mode

Portrait mode is a great way to add a shallow depth of field to your photos, which can help to isolate your subject and make them stand out from the background. Portrait mode also works well in low-light situations, as the iPhone’s software is good at compensating for the lack of light.

11. Use HDR

HDR, or high dynamic range, is a great way to improve the quality of your photos in low-light situations. HDR combines multiple exposures to create a single image that has a wider range of shadows and highlights. You can turn on HDR in the Camera app by tapping the HDR button at the top of the screen.

12. Use a flash

If all else fails, you can always use the flash on your iPhone. The flash can be a great way to add a little bit of light to a low-light photo, but it can also be used creatively to add interest to a photo. You can turn on the flash by tapping the lightning bolt button at the top of the screen in the Camera app.

7. Use Night mode

Night mode is a great way to get better low-light photos on your iPhone. To use it, simply open the Camera app and swipe to the Night mode icon. Then, point your camera at your subject and press the shutter button.

Your iPhone will automatically adjust the shutter speed, ISO, and other settings to help you get the best possible photo. Keep in mind that you may need to hold your iPhone steady for a few seconds while it takes the photo.

8. Use a tripod

If you want to absolutely ensure that your low-light photos turn out well, using a tripod is a good idea. This will help keep your iPhone steady while it takes the photo, which is especially important when using a slow shutter speed.

There are a lot of different tripods available, so you’ll need to find one that’s compatible with your iPhone. Once you have a tripod, simply attach your iPhone and point it at your subject. Then, use the self-timer or a remote shutter release to take the photo.

9. Use a flash

If you’re in a situation where you absolutely need to use a flash, there are a few things you can do to make sure your photo turns out well. First, try to bounce the flash off of a nearby wall or ceiling. This will help soften the light and prevent your photo from looking too harsh.

Second, make sure the flash is pointing directly at your subject. If it’s pointing at a different angle, you may end up with a photo that’s too dark or too bright.

Finally, try to avoid using the flash directly in your subject’s eyes. This can cause them to close their eyes or look away, which will ruin your photo.

10. Edit your photos

Even if you don’t get the perfect photo in low light, there’s still a good chance that you can salvage it with some editing. There are a number of different editing apps available, so find one that you’re comfortable with and start experimenting.

One thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to go overboard with the editing. A little bit can go a long way, so try not to make your photos look too artificial.

With these tips, you should be able to get better low-light photos on your iPhone. Just remember to experiment and have fun!