How to Use Presenter Coach in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11

Posted on 20th June 2023

If you’re using Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11, you can take advantage of the Presenter Coach feature. This feature helps you to rehearse your presentation and gives you feedback on your delivery. It’s a great way to ensure that you’re delivering your presentation in the most effective way possible.

To use Presenter Coach, simply open your PowerPoint presentation and click on the “Presenter Coach” tab at the top of the screen. Then, click on the “Start Rehearsal” button. PowerPoint will then ask you to enable the feature. Once you’ve enabled it, you’ll see a new pane appear on the right-hand side of the screen.

In the pane, you’ll see a list of different coaching tips. These tips will help you to improve your delivery, such as speaking at a steady pace, using pauses effectively, and maintaining eye contact with your audience. As you go through your presentation, the Presenter Coach will give you feedback on how well you’re doing. If you’re not doing something correctly, you’ll see a red X appear next to the coaching tip.

Once you’ve finished your rehearsal, you can click on the “Stop Rehearsal” button. PowerPoint will then give you a summary of your performance, including a list of things that you did well and things that you need to work on. You can also click on the “Download Report” button to save a copy of your performance for future reference.

The Presenter Coach is a great way to ensure that you’re delivering your presentation in the most effective way possible. By taking the time to rehearse your presentation and get feedback on your delivery, you can make sure that you’re making the most of your time in front of your audience.

How to Use Presenter Coach in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11


Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. PowerPoint is widely used by businesses and educational institutions to create slide shows for presentations.

The Presenter Coach feature in PowerPoint can help you practice your presentation skills and improve your delivery. Presenter Coach provides feedback on your speaking style, body language, and use of filler words.


1. Open PowerPoint and click the “Enable Presenter Coach” button.

2. Select the “Practice with Presenter Coach” option.

3. Click “Start Practice.”

4. Select the type of feedback you want to receive from the “Feedback” drop-down menu.

5. Click “Start Recording.”

6. Begin your presentation.

7. Click “Stop Recording” when you are finished.

8. Review your recording and feedback.


  • Presenter Coach is only available in the Windows version of PowerPoint.
  • You can use Presenter Coach with PowerPoint files that are saved locally or in the cloud.
  • Presenter Coach is not available in the Mac version of PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint’s Presenter Coach is a great way to practice your presentations. It provides feedback on your delivery, including pacing, filler words, and more. Here’s how to use it.

To get started, open your presentation in PowerPoint and click the “View” tab. Then, click “Presenter Coach” in the “Show” section.

This will open the Presenter Coach pane. From here, you can start your practice session by clicking the “Start” button.

PowerPoint will then begin monitoring your delivery. As you speak, it will provide feedback on various aspects of your presentation, such as pacing, filler words, and more.

To see the specific feedback for each issue, click the “Review” button. This will open a new window with more detailed information.

When you’re finished practicing, click the “Stop” button. You can then close the Presenter Coach pane.

In addition to the suggestions given by Presenter Coach, you can also use the following tips to improve your presentation skills:

1. Make sure your presentation is well-structured

When creating your presentation, it is important to have a clear structure in mind. This will make it easier for you to stay on track and deliver your message in a concise and cohesive manner.

2. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

The more you practice, the more confident you will feel when delivering your presentation. So make sure to rehearse your presentation several times before the big day.

3. Use visual aids

Using visual aids such as PowerPoint slides, pictures, and videos can help to make your presentation more engaging and easier to follow.

4. Speak slowly and clearly

When presenting, it is important to speak slowly and clearly. This will help to ensure that your audience can understand you and follow what you are saying.

5. Make eye contact

Making eye contact with your audience is a great way to engage them and make them feel involved in your presentation.

6. Be prepared for questions

At the end of your presentation, you should be prepared to answer any questions that your audience may have. This will show that you are confident in your knowledge and will help to solidify your message. You can use for bolding, for italicizing, for links, images can be added via .

How to Use Presenter Coach in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11


Presenter Coach is a new feature in Microsoft PowerPoint that gives you real-time feedback on your presentation skills. It can help you practice your delivery, find filler words, and keep to the time limit. Presenter Coach is available in PowerPoint for Windows 11 and later.

Using Presenter Coach

To use Presenter Coach, open a PowerPoint presentation and click the Present tab. Then, click the Presenter Coach button. A side panel will open with the coaching options.

To start a coaching session, click the Start button. PowerPoint will start recording your presentation. As you speak, Presenter Coach will give you feedback on various aspects of your delivery.

To end a coaching session, click the Stop button. You can then review your performance and save the recording if you wish.

Coaching Options

Presenter Coach has several different coaching options that you can enable or disable. The available options are:

  • Filler Words: This option will highlight any filler words that you use, such as “um” or “ah”.
  • Grammar: This option will highlight any grammar errors that you make.
  • Pacing: This option will give you feedback on how fast or slow you are speaking.
  • Volume: This option will give you feedback on how loud or soft you are speaking.


Presenter Coach is a useful tool that can help you improve your presentation skills. It’s available in PowerPoint for Windows 11 and later.