Customizing Your Home Automation with Hive Actions and Modes

Posted on 19th June 2023

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Customizing Your Home Automation with Hive Actions and Modes

Almost all of us are familiar with the term “home automation.” In the most general of terms, home automation refers to the use of technology to automate tasks in the home. This can include anything from turning lights off and on to adjusting the thermostat to locking and unlocking doors.

In recent years, home automation has become more and more popular, as the technology has become more affordable and easier to use. There are now a number of different home automation systems on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits.

One of the most popular home automation systems is Hive. Hive is a system that allows you to control a variety of different devices in your home from a single app. It also offers a number of unique features, such as the ability to create “actions” and “modes.”

Actions are basically rules that you can create to automate certain tasks. For example, you could create an action that turns on the lights when you unlock the front door. Or, you could create an action that turns on the coffee maker when your alarm goes off in the morning.

Modes, on the other hand, are basically preset configurations that you can apply to your home. For example, you could have a “night” mode that turns off all the lights and lowers the thermostat. Or, you could have a “vacation” mode that turns off all the lights and disables the alarm system.

You can also use modes to create personalized settings for different members of your family. For example, you could have a “kid” mode that disables certain appliances and locks certain doors.

Mode-based triggers are another unique feature of Hive. These are basically rules that you can create that will automatically change the mode of your home based on certain conditions. For example, you could create a trigger that changes your home to “night” mode when everyone has left for the day.

All of these features – actions, modes, and mode-based triggers – make Hive a very versatile and powerful home automation system. And, best of all, they’re all very easy to use. In this article, we’ll show you how to get the most out of these features and customize your Hive system to perfectly suit your needs.


As we mentioned above, actions are basically rules that you can create to automate certain tasks. Hive comes with a number of pre-configured actions, but you can also create your own custom actions.

To access the action editor, open the Hive app and tap on the “Actions” tab. You should see a list of all the available actions. To create a new action, tap on the “Create Action” button.

You’ll now be able to choose what type of action you want to create. Hive offers a number of different action types, including “Device,” “Location,” “Schedule,” and “IFTTT.”

If you choose the “Device” action type, you’ll be able to select a specific device that you want the action to apply to. For example, you could select your front door lock.

If you choose the “Location” action type, you’ll be able to specify a location that you want the action to trigger at. For example, you could choose your home’s front door.

If you choose the “Schedule” action type, you’ll be able to set a specific time or day that you want the action to trigger. For example, you could choose to have the action trigger at 7:00 AM every day.

Finally, if you choose the “IFTTT” action type, you’ll be able to select from a number of different online services that you want to use to trigger the action. For example, you could choose to have the action trigger when you get a new email.

Once you’ve selected the action type, you’ll need to specify the details of the action. This will vary depending on the action type that you’ve chosen.

For example, if you’ve chosen the “Device” action type, you’ll need to select the device that you want to trigger the action on. You’ll also need to specify the action that you want to happen. For example, you could choose to have the lights turn on when the door is unlocked.

If you’ve chosen the “Location” action type, you’ll need to specify the location that you want the action to trigger at. You’ll also need to specify the action that you want to happen. For example, you could choose to have the lights turn on when you arrive home.

If you’ve chosen the “Schedule” action type, you’ll need to specify the time or day that you want the action to trigger. You’ll also need to specify the action that you want to happen. For example, you could choose to have the lights turn on at 7:00 AM every day.

Finally, if you’ve chosen the “IFTTT” action type, you’ll need to select the online service that you want to use to trigger the action. You’ll also need to specify the action that you want to happen. For example, you could choose to have the lights turn on when you get a new email.

Once you’ve specified the details of the action, tap on the “Create” button. Your action will now be saved and you’ll be able to use it to automate tasks in your home.


As we mentioned above, modes are basically preset configurations that you can apply to your home. Hive comes with a number of different modes that you can use, including “Home,” “Away,” “Sleep,” and “Vacation.”

To access the mode editor, open the Hive app and tap on the “Modes” tab. You should see a list of all the available modes. To create a new mode, tap on the “Create Mode” button.

You’ll now be able to choose what type of mode you want to create. Hive offers two different mode types – “Standard” and “Custom.”

If you choose the “Standard” mode type, you’ll be able to select from a number of different pre-configured modes. For example, you could choose the “Home” mode, which turns on the lights and raises the temperature.

If you choose the “Custom” mode type, you’ll be able to create your own custom mode. This is useful if you want to create a mode that’s specifically tailored to your needs.

Once you’ve selected the mode type, you’ll need to specify the details of the mode. This will vary depending on the mode type that you’ve chosen.

If you’ve chosen the “Standard” mode type, you’ll need to select the mode that you want to use. You’ll also need to specify the conditions that you want the mode to be activated under. For example, you could choose to have the “Home” mode activated when everyone is home.

If you’ve chosen the “Custom” mode type, you’ll need to specify the name of the mode. You’ll also need to specify the conditions that you want the mode to be activated under. For example, you could choose to have the mode activated when everyone is home.

Once you’ve specified the details of the mode, tap on the “Create” button. Your mode will now be saved and you’ll be able to use it to automate tasks in your home.

Mode-Based Triggers

Mode-based triggers are another unique feature of Hive. These are basically rules that you can create that will automatically change the mode of your home based on certain conditions.

To access the mode-based trigger editor, open the Hive app and tap on the “Mode-Based Triggers” tab. You should see a list of all the available mode-based triggers. To create a new mode-based trigger, tap on the “Create Mode-Based Trigger” button.

You’ll now be able to choose what type of mode-based trigger you want to create. Hive offers two different types of mode-based triggers – “Time” and “Location.”

If you choose the “Time” trigger type, you’ll be able to specify a time that you want the trigger to occur. For example, you could choose to have the trigger occur at 7:00 PM every day.

If you choose the “Location” trigger type, you’ll be able to specify a location that you want the trigger to occur at. For example, you could choose to have the trigger occur when you arrive home.

Once you’ve selected the trigger type, you’ll need to specify the details of the trigger. This will vary depending on the trigger type that you’ve chosen.

If you’ve chosen the “Time” trigger type, you’ll need to specify the time that you want the trigger to occur. You’ll also need to specify the mode that you want to be activated. For example, you could choose to have the “Home” mode activated at 7:00 PM every day.

If you’ve chosen the “Location” trigger type, you’ll need to specify the location that you want the trigger to occur at. You’ll also need to specify the mode that you want to be activated. For example, you could choose to have the “Home” mode activated when you arrive home.

Once you’ve specified the details of the trigger, tap on the “Create” button. Your mode-based trigger will now be saved and you’ll be