How to Implement AI-based Error Handling with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin

Posted on 19th June 2023

Error handling is an important part of any programming language. It allows you to catch and handle errors that occur during the execution of your code.

In this article, we’ll show you how to implement AI-based error handling with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin.

We’ll cover the following topics:

What is ChatGPT PHP?

How to install ChatGPT PHP?

How to use ChatGPT PHP for error handling?

What is ChatGPT PHP?

ChatGPT PHP is a programming language that enables you to create chatbots. It is based on the General-purpose artificial intelligence platform ChatGPT.

How to install ChatGPT PHP?

You can install ChatGPT PHP by following these steps:

1. Download the latest version of ChatGPT PHP from the official website.

2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a location of your choice.

3. Open the file “config.php” in a text editor and enter your ChatGPT credentials.

4. Upload the contents of the “chatgpt-php” folder to your WordPress plugin directory.

5. Activate the plugin from the WordPress plugin admin page.

How to use ChatGPT PHP for error handling?

Once you have installed and activated the ChatGPT PHP plugin, you can use it to catch and handle errors that occur during the execution of your code.

To do this, you need to add the following code to your “functions.php” file:

function chatgpt_php_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {

if (error_reporting() == 0) {



throw new ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);



This code will register the “chatgpt_php_error_handler” function as the error handler for your WordPress site.

The “chatgpt_php_error_handler” function will catch all errors that occur during the execution of your code and throw an “ErrorException”.

This “ErrorException” can then be caught and handled by your code.

For example, you can add the following code to your “functions.php” file to catch and handle the “ErrorException”:

function chatgpt_php_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {

if (error_reporting() == 0) {



throw new ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);



try {

// your code goes here

} catch (ErrorException $e) {

// your error handling code goes here


This code will catch all “ErrorException”s that occur during the execution of your code and handle them accordingly.

You can also use the “set_exception_handler” function to register a custom exception handler for your WordPress site.

For more information about how to use the “set_exception_handler” function, please refer to the official WordPress documentation.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to implement AI-based error handling with ChatGPT PHP in a WordPress Plugin.

We’ve also shown you how to use the “set_error_handler” and “set_exception_handler” functions to register custom error and exception handlers for your WordPress site.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a PHP-based chatbot framework that allows you to easily create and deploy chatbots on your website or blog. It is based on the popular open source AIML interpreter, which is used by many chatbot platforms.

Why use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT makes it easy to create and deploy chatbots on your website or blog. It is based on the popular open source AIML interpreter, which is used by many chatbot platforms. ChatGPT allows you to create chatbots that can interact with your users in natural language.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT works by matching user input with predefined patterns. When a user input matches a pattern, the chatbot responds with a predefined response. ChatGPT comes with a large number of predefined patterns and responses, which you can customize to your own needs.

Installing ChatGPT

To install ChatGPT, you need to have a working installation of PHP 5.4 or higher. ChatGPT also requires the following PHP extensions:

  • curl
  • mbstring
  • xml

ChatGPT can be installed using Composer:

composer require chatgpt/chatgpt

Or you can download the latest release from GitHub and extract it to a directory on your server.

Configuring ChatGPT

Before you can use ChatGPT, you need to create a configuration file. The easiest way to do this is to copy the sample configuration file that comes with ChatGPT:

cp config.sample.php config.php

Then edit the file and set the following parameters:

  • bot_name: The name of your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the name parameter when calling the create() method. (Required)
  • bot_email: The email address of your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the email parameter when calling the create() method. (Required)
  • bot_owner: The name of the person or organization that owns your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the owner parameter when calling the create() method. (Optional)
  • bot_avatar: The URL of an image to use as the avatar for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the avatar parameter when calling the create() method. (Optional)
  • bot_language: The default language for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the language parameter when calling the create() method. (Optional. Default: “en”)
  • bot_timezone: The default timezone for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the timezone parameter when calling the create() method. (Optional. Default: “UTC”)
  • bot_memory: The memory limit for your chatbot. This is the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that your chatbot can use. (Optional. Default: “128M”)

Creating a Chatbot

Once you have configured ChatGPT, you can start creating chatbots. The first thing you need to do is create a new PHP file in the bots/ directory. For this example, we will call the file mybot.php:

touch bots/mybot.php

Then open the file in your text editor and add the following code:


This code creates a new chatbot called “My Bot” and runs it.

Configuring Your Chatbot

The create() method takes a number of optional parameters that you can use to configure your chatbot. The following table lists the available parameters:

Parameter Description Default Value
name The name of your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the name parameter when calling the create() method. null
email The email address of your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the email parameter when calling the create() method. null
owner The name of the person or organization that owns your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the owner parameter when calling the create() method. null
avatar The URL of an image to use as the avatar for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the avatar parameter when calling the create() method. null
language The default language for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the language parameter when calling the create() method. "en"
timezone The default timezone for your chatbot. This will be used as the default value for the timezone parameter when calling the create() method. "UTC"
memory The memory limit for your chatbot. This is the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that your chatbot can use. "128M"

Running Your Chatbot

Once you have created and configured your chatbot, you can run it by calling the run() method. The run() method takes a number of optional parameters that you can use to configure how your chatbot runs. The following table lists the available parameters:

Parameter Description Default Value
input The input to give to your chatbot. This can be either a string or an array of strings. If this parameter is not set, the chatbot will read input from STDIN.</