How to Create a Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop

Posted on 19th June 2023


Creating a double exposure effect is a creative way to combine two images into one. This effect can be used to create a surreal or dreamy image, or to simply add more interest to a photo. The double exposure effect is easy to create in Adobe Photoshop with the help of some simple blending modes and layer masks.


  1. Open the two images you want to use for your double exposure effect in Adobe Photoshop. One image will be your base image, and the other image will be your secondary image.
  2. Drag the secondary image on top of the base image to create a new layer. Change the blending mode of the secondary image layer to “Screen” to make the image transparent.
  3. Use a layer mask to erase any areas of the secondary image that you don’t want to be visible in the final image. You can also use the eraser tool to erase any unwanted areas.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 with additional images to create a more complex double exposure effect.
  5. Once you’re happy with the results, flatten the image and save it as a JPEG file.


Creating a double exposure effect in Adobe Photoshop is a quick and easy way to add more interest to your photos. By combining two or more images, you can create a surreal or dreamy image that is sure to stand out. Give this effect a try the next time you’re looking for a creative way to edit your photos.

Double exposure is an interesting technique that allows you to blend two images together to create a unique effect. In the past, this was done by physically superimposing two different images on top of each other and then exposing the film to light. However, with the advent of digital editing, it’s now possible to create a double exposure effect in Photoshop.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a double exposure effect in Photoshop. We’ll be using two images: a landscape photo and a portrait photo. The landscape photo will be the background and the portrait photo will be the foreground.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Adobe Photoshop

Two images

Step 1: Open the Images in Photoshop

First, open the two images that you want to use in Photoshop. For this tutorial, we’re using a landscape photo and a portrait photo.

Step 2: Add the Landscape Photo to the Background

Next, we’ll add the landscape photo to the background. To do this, go to File > New > Background from Layer.

Step 3: Add the Portrait Photo to the Foreground

Now we’ll add the portrait photo to the foreground. To do this, go to File > New > Layer from Background.

Step 4: Change the Blending Mode

Once both images are in place, we’ll need to change the blending mode. The blending mode determines how the two images will interact with each other. For this effect, we’re going to use the “Soft Light” blending mode.

To change the blending mode, go to Layer > Blending Mode > Soft Light.

Step 5: Adjust the Opacity

Now we’ll adjust the opacity of the foreground image. This will determine how much of the background image will be visible. For this effect, we’re going to set the opacity to 50%.

To change the opacity, go to Layer > Opacity > 50%.

Step 6: Add a Mask

Next, we’re going to add a mask to the foreground image. This will allow us to control which parts of the image are visible and which parts are hidden.

To add a mask, go to Layer > Mask > Reveal All.

Step 7: Paint over the Mask

Now we’ll use a black brush to paint over the areas of the foreground image that we want to hide. In this case, we’re going to hide the subject’s face.

To do this, go to the Brush tool and select a black brush. Then, paint over the areas that you want to hide.

Step 8: Save the Image

Finally, we’ll save the image as a Photoshop document. To do this, go to File > Save As.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a double exposure effect in Photoshop.

First, open your image files in Photoshop. Next, select the layer of the first image you’d like to use for your double exposure effect. In the “Layers” panel, click on the “Create New Layer” icon. A new layer will appear above the selected layer.

With the new layer selected, go to “Edit” > “Fill”. In the “Fill” dialogue box, select “Black” from the “Use” drop-down menu. Click “OK” to fill the layer with black.

Next, select the “Eraser” tool from the Photoshop toolbar. In the “Options” bar at the top of the screen, select a soft-edged brush. Slowly erase away parts of the black layer to reveal the image beneath it.

Now, select the second image you’d like to use for your double exposure effect. Create a new layer above the black layer and fill it with black. Erase away parts of the black layer to reveal the second image beneath it.

To adjust the opacity of the layers, go to “Layer” > “Layer Style” > “Blending Options”. In the “Blending Options” dialogue box, adjust the “Opacity” slider to control how much of each image is visible.

Click “OK” when you’re finished. You’ve now created a double exposure effect in Adobe Photoshop!

Create a New Layer

To begin, open the first image that you want to use in your double exposure effect. Then, create a new layer by clicking on the “Create a new layer” icon in the Layers panel.

Drag the New Layer Below the Background Layer

Next, drag the new layer below the background layer in the Layers panel.

Fill the New Layer with Black

Now, use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill the new layer with black.

Set the Opacity of the New Layer to 50%

Next, set the opacity of the new layer to 50%.

Open the Second Image

Now, open the second image that you want to use in your double exposure effect.

Select All and Copy the Second Image

Then, select all and copy the second image.

Paste the Second Image onto the New Layer

Next, paste the second image onto the new layer.

Use the Move Tool to Position the Image

Now, use the Move Tool to position the image.

Set the Blending Mode to Lighten

Finally, set the blending mode to Lighten.